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  3. Александра Александровна Егурнова

Idioms and Proverbs on Personal Issues. Учебное пособие

Александра Александровна Егурнова
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Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов высших учебных заведений. Содержит 12 разделов личной тематики, направленных на изучение идиоматических выражений и паремий английского языка.


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© Александра Александровна Егурнова, 2017

ISBN 978-5-4483-8211-6

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero


The textbook is intended for students of higher educational institutions.

It contains varied exercises (gap filling, error correction, translation, speaking and writing full-answer activities, etc.), which are intended for the development of socio-lingual competence and improvement of an ability to make an indirect translation of idiomatic expressions and proverbs in English texts.

The material used in exercises is taken from the authentic books and grouped into twelve sections on personal issues, which are sure to help students overcome translation problems in different communicative situations as well as to boost their professional growth by developing critical and creative thinking, original opinions, abilities to analyze, compare and abstract.

The Key section gives students the opportunity to self-check.

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