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  2. Стихи и поэзия
  3. Александр Невзоров

Mean equality. Collection of poems

Александр Невзоров
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The collection is called «Dirty equality» after the name of the first poem. And indeed, the Constitution provides equal rights for all citizens, but not everyone can realize them. Article of the Constitution No. 40 guarantees the right of citizens to housing. And where is it, is this right? The city line in St. Petersburg has been standing for 37 years, today give (if given, of course) housing for those who stood in line until 1980.


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The Crimea

Peninsula (island) Crimea

A ghost, a ghost, a smoke…

Will you be close and dear

Or will you be a stranger?

Everyone shouted here «Krymnas»

With saliva and squeal as much

Who was silent and shrugged his shoulders

Take those on a pencil

Far, but the output is simple

We will build the best Bridge

To the oligarch — privileges

Ungainly mobile — to the post

Bloom our new land

Enjoy, light up

How to sit under the udder

Desnys in the blood yourself rip off

Crimea you are mine for a long time

And I can say one thing

On you who warms his hands

I probably do not care

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