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  3. Альманах

Алтарь Отечества. Альманах. Том I

Альманах (2010)
Обложка книги

Альманах издан к 65-летию Победы советского народа в Великой Отечественной войне. В нём воспоминания самих фронтовиков, их родных и близких о тех, кто дошёл до великого и святого Дня Победы, и о тех, кто навечно остался на своём боевом посту… От некоторых из них не осталось и следа на земле, но их подвиг, самопожертвование во имя продолжения жизни других мы обязаны чтить и помнить. В книге представлены семейные реликвии: письма с фронта, фотографии. Во многих историях называются имена или фамилии других солдат — 141 участника Великой Отечественной войны (в том числе и двух мальчишках), проливается свет на их судьбу. Их фамилии даны отдельным списком в алфавитном порядке. Книга издана для того, чтобы сохранить для потомков имена наших героических предков, чьё мужество и доблесть привели к Победе добра над злом, чтобы привить подрастающему поколению чувство любви и преданности к своей Родине, гордости за своё прошлое. Указаны адреса плэйкастов на тему «Это было недавно, это было давно».


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The Prologue

"Blessed are the soldiers, who died in the name of their love for Fatherland"

From the play E. Shwartz"Simply a miracle"


The price of our Victory over fascist Germany can't be measured.

The Soviet Union has won in the war, but the price of the Victory was too great.

Out of 33,4 millions people who wore uniforms only 12,8 million stayed alive.

Human losses in the military forces of the USSR are about 11,944 thousand but on the whole the USSR made 27 millions. The whole world lost 55 millions people.

(Based on the internet materials)

Since the time of the end of the most terrible war in history more than 65 years passed.

The names of many soldiers are still unknown, and they are just included in the indicated above figures.

The soldiers of the World War II sacrificed their lives and died for the Victory, many of them became MIAS (missing in action), — they never returned from the front: others came back with wounds not only on their bodies, but in their souls.

The lives of children, youths and adults are to be found on the Altar of Fatherland.

Nobody has told us their stories — they are included in the general member of millions.

The former great power broke up.

It won't be restored soon.

In our"internet — gallery"we want to bring back the spirit and strength of the soldier. The spirit of the common Fatherland and we want the younger generation to learn how to love our Fatherland as it was loved by their forefathers.

Let the stands of"the gallery"the virtual museum of military glory have unusual exhibits: the letters of war years, the stories of those years about the soldiers, who participated in the war of 1941–1945, their verses, fiction and songs — all that should be in their glory.

Come to see"the gallery", it will be expanded, we hope that people will respond!

Let's call every soldier by name!

We must leave our good footprints on our beautiful planet — Earth in our words, our good memory in outer space.

The souls of those, who died and found their way to Heaven as well as those still living war veterans will be grateful to us for the memory of thankful descendants.

We must be worthy of our forefathers!

(Translated by Nina Lukina)

The Contacts:

t/f: (495) 386-65-12; 388-42-27 8-916-244-21-87

E-mail: altar-07@mail.ru paraartiada@mail.ru

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