Данная книга является результатом многолетних исследований автора в области истории искусства, начиная с Античности и заканчивая современностью. Повествование дополняется фотографиями, сделанным автором во время поездок по России и Европе. Книга посвящается светлой памяти Марины Радославовны Чёрной и Александра Серафимовича Скрябина.
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This book is the product of years of research executed by the author in the field of Art history. Each of the lectures reveals various aspects of the issue mentioned above, in particular, the influence of Antiquity on the formation of the aesthetic preferences of artists, the role of the Bauhaus in the development of Modern architecture, the interaction between Art and Nature, the symbolism of a mirror in the context of the Baroque era, as well as the importance of restauration and preservation of the Artworks. The narrative is supplemented by the photographs taken by the author during her trips around Russia and Europe. The book is dedicated to the blessed memory of Marina Radoslavovna Chernaya and Alexander Serafimovich Scriabin.