Данная книга является результатом наблюдений автора за очаровательными мышками, живущими на Елагином Острове в городе Санкт-Петербурге. Главными героями новой истории стали полевые мыши, которые обитают в норках, любят греться на солнышке и играть друг с другом.
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This book is the result of the author's observations of the charming mice living on Yelagin Island. The protagonists are harvest mice characterized by a dark stripe on the back and a relatively small size. They live in holes and often come out to play. On the one hand, mice are extremely inquisitive animals and love to explore the area. At the same time, they are rather shy and hide in their holes at the slightest rustle. In order to meet them, you need to walk very quietly in the park, otherwise you might frighten them away.