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  3. А. Авраменко

Writing на 5+. Книга для ученика

А. Авраменко
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В данном пособии предлагаются задания на подготовку к творческим (письменным) заданиям на английском языке. Задания представлены в 6 уроках (6 units) и разделены на три раздела:Warm up! (снятие когнитивных трудностей), Language Practice (снятие языковых трудностей) и Writing (снятие речевых трудностей). В конце пособия даны ключи, справочник и схема написания эссе.


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Unit 2
Unit 4

Unit 3

Warm up!


Exercise 3.1

Find mistakes in the parameters of comparison if any. Correct them:

1. Football is a typical hobby for boys. Tennis is an expensive sport.

2. Fast food is cheap. Chinese cuisine is not expensive.

3. Buying clothes is time consuming. Buying food is boring.

Exercise 3.2

Match sentences to compare from two columns. There is one extra sentence in each column.

Language Practice


Exercise 3.3 (Synonyms)

Find synonyms:

1. Absurd

2. Adequate

3. Brave

4. Eager

5. Evident

Exercise 3.4 (be concrete)

Concretize sentences:


After breakfast he started in our nice car. => After breakfast he started for work in our new fast car.

1. By three o’clock we were not in good shape.

2. He had a bad character and started arguing in the restaurant.

3. For the special case the invited several people for lunch.

4. She is an interesting person who is able to be a good teacher.


(Paragraph: Coherence of Sentences)

Coherence of sentences in a paragraph can be achieved by:

1. Repetition of important words and pronouns

2. Synonyms and substitutions

3. Transitional expressions

Exercise 3.5

What sentences are repeated or substituted in the paragraph? Underline them and their substitutions:

I have always considered my father a very intelligent person. His intelligence is not the type usually tested in schools; but he never finished high school. Rather, my father’s intelligence is his ability to solve problems creatively as they arise. Intelligent solutions to unforeseen problems were typical of him. In fact, my father’s brand of brains — accurate insight, followed by creative action — is the kind of intelligence that I admire.

Exercise 3.6

Write a paragraph about a famous person describing his most outstanding trait. Repeat and substitute important words. Underline them.

Exercise 3.7

Learn transitional expressions:

Fill in the gaps:

Since Clyde has been saving money for months, he will be able to afford the vacation of his dreams. He imagines himself on different cruises, __________ (illustration) a boat trip on the Amazon River. __________ (contrast) he does not have money to go far away. __________ (result) he brings his lunch every day and puts the money in a special vacation fund. __________ (addition) he saves all the cash that comes his way as gifts. It may take a while, but Clyde will take the vacation of his dreams.

Exercise 3.8

Improve your paragraph from exercise 6, adding transitional expressions

Unit 4
Unit 2


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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Writing на 5+. Книга для ученика» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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