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  3. Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин

Омофоны в английском языке

Виктор Евгеньевич Никитин (2024)
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Омофоны — это слова, которые звучат одинаково, но имеют разное значение и написание, такие как, например, sun «сын» и son «солнце». Двусмысленность возникает, когда речь лишена контекста. В сборнике приводится обширный список, иллюстрирующий поистине бесконечное количество омофонов в английском языке.

Автор: Виктор Никитин

Жанры и теги: Английский язык


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Порядок слов в этом разделе соответствует фонетическому алфавиту.


arc, ark.

arm (limb), arm (weapon).

alms, arms.

aunt, ant, arn't.

arch (s.), arch (adj.).

eye, ay, I.

idol, idle, idyll.

aisle, isle, I'll.

eyelet, islet.

our, hour.

bark (dog), bark (tree), bark (boat).

balm, barm.

bite, bight.

buy, by, bye.

bough, bow, bow (of ship).

bound (leap), bound (limit), bound (fr. bind).

bank (ground), bank (money).

barren, baron.

barrow (hill), barrow (wheel-b.).

bat (club), bat (vespertilio).

batter (s.), batter (v.).

buck (various roots and senses).

bustle (hurry), bustle (dress).

but, butt (tub), butt (v.).

bale (ill), bale (pack), bail (bis).

base, bass.

bate, bait.

beck (and nod), beck (a brook).

bell, belle.

bury, berry.

bear (s.), bare (adj.), bear, bare (v.).

berth, birth.

bee, be.

beat, beet.

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beetle (insect), beetle (hammer).

beach, beech.

bier, beer.

blow (a stroke), blow (of wind).

bow, beau.

bogy, bogie.

bole, bowl.

bolt (a weapon), bolt (sift), bolt (run).

bore (perforate), bore (tidal), bore (fr. bear), boar.

board, bawd, bored.

ball, bawl.

born, borne.

boy, buoy.

boil (s.), boil (v.).

box (tree), box (receptacle), box (v.).

bridal, bridle.

bray (of donkey), bray (to pound), brae.

break, brake (fern), brake (of carriages, bis).

braze (to solder), braze (to brazen), braise (to stew), braes.

breach, breech.

breeze (the wind), breeze (a fly), breeze (cinders).

broach, brooch.

hue, hew.

die (v.), dye, die (cast).

down (dune), down (fluff), down (adv.).

doubt, dout.

dam (mother), dam (obstruct), damn.

duck (bird), duck (dear), duck (stuff), duck (v.).

dun (colour), dun (importune), done.

date (fruit), date (datum).

dean, dene.

deer, dear.

desert, dessert.

due, dew.

doe, dough.

dock (plant), dock (basin), dock (shear).

drill (sow), drill (bore), drill (training).

drupe, droop.

jar (vase), jar (discord).

jamb, jam.

jet (mineral), jet (squirt).

gin (drink), gin (snare), jinn.

there, their.

the, thee.

eh! aye (ever).

ale, ail.

eight, ait or eyot, ate (fr. eat).

egg, egg (to incite).

elder (tree), elder (senior).

air, heir, ere, e'er.

airship, heirship.

aery, airy.

earn, urn, erne (eagle).

alight (adj.), alight (v.).

ascent, assent.

foul, fowl.

fallow (untilled), fallow (colour).

fane, feign, fain.

faint, feint.

fast (eccl.), fast (adj. various).

fate, fête.

fell (fierce), fell (skin), fell (hill), fell (fr. fall).

fellow, felloe.

ferule, ferrule.

fair, fare [doublet], phare.

fir, fur.

feet, feat (s.), feat (adj. obs.).

filter, philtre.

fit (befit), fit (conflict), fytte [obs.].

flag (v.), flag (ensign), flag (plant), flag (-stone).

flee, flea.

flow, floe.

flock (herd), flock (of wool).

flue (chimney), flue (velu), flew (fr. fly).

fluke (fish), fluke (of anchor), fluke (slang word).

fold (wrap), fold (of sheep), foaled.

four, fore, for.

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forego, forgo, and other compounds.

fourth, forth.

foil (s.), foil (v.), foil (fencer's).

fray (ravel), fray (combat).

fret (eat away), fret (adorn), fret (on lute).

freeze, frieze (archt.), frieze (cloth), frees (fr. free).

gamble, gambol,

gum (resin), gum (teeth).

gage, gauge,

gate, gait.

gird (encircle), gird (revile).

guild, gild.

guilt, gilt.

glare, glair (white of egg), + glary, glairy.

gore (pierce), gore (triangle), gore (blood).

groin, groyne (breakwater).

great, grate (s.), grate (v.).

heart, hart.

high, hie.

hide (v.), hide (skin), hied.

hack (hew), hack (hackney).

hamper (impede), hamper (hanaper).

hail! hail (snow), hale (adj.), hale (haul).

helm (of ship), helm (helmet).

hair, hare.

heel, heal, he'll.

here, hear.

hymn, him.

hole, whole, + holy, wholly, holey.

home, holm.

hoar, whore, haw.

hoard, horde,

hawk (bird), hawk (v. of hawker), hawk (hoquet).

hall, haul.

halt (v.), halt (adj.).

horse, hoarse.

hock (of horse), hock (wine).

hop (jump), hop (plant).

hue, hew.

humorous, humerus.

even (s.), even (adj.).

ear, ear (plough), ear (of corn).

yoke, yolk.

yew, ewe, you.

ure, ewer, your.

card (s.), card (v.).

cask, casque.

cast, caste.

cart, carte, quart (cards and fencing).

count (s.), count (v.).

counter (opp.), counter (of shop), counter (in games), &c.

couch (coucher), couch (grass).

caddy (lad), caddy (box).

can (s.), can (v.).

cannon, canon bis.

currant, current.

curry (food), curry (comb).

colonel, kernel.

cape (dress), cape (headland).

caper (skip), caper (plant).

case (event), case (receptacle).

cashier (s.), cashier (v.).

key, quay.

keen (adj.), keen (v.).

cue, queue.

climb, clime.

cleek, clique.

coal, cole.

cope (v.), cope (s.).

coat, cote.

core, corps, caw.

cork, caulk.

call, caul.

corn (grain), corn (horny growth).

course, coarse, corse.

cobble (to patch), cobble (boat), cobble (-stones).

cock (s. and v.), cock (of hay).

cockle (v.), cockle (s. var.).

creak, creek.

cricket (insect), cricket (game).

cruel, crewel.

cruise, cruse, crews.

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coombe (valley), coom (dry measure).

choir, quire (of paper).

quiver (v.), quiver (s.).

queen, quean [obs.].

last (adj., verb), last (s.)

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О книге

Автор: Виктор Никитин

Жанры и теги: Английский язык


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