Заключение международных контрактов предполагает знание международного законодательства и обычаев, а также иностранных языков. Данная книга может быть полезна бизнесменам, юристам, экономистам, изучающим английский язык, студентам и преподавателям, переводчикам и широкой аудитории читателей. Контракты в международной торговле, международный контракт купли-продажи (international contract of sale, agreement, invoice, delivery contract, samples of contracts, supply contract, exclusive contract, international law, business english texts), международный контракт поставки, внешнеторговый контракт. Книга раскрывает экономические и юридические (правовые) аспекты внешнеэкономической деятельности. Деловой английский язык необходим для взаимодействия с иностранными коллегами, клиентами, партнерами. Книга "Внешнеторговый международный контракт" основана на ускоренных методах изучения иностранных языков.
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги Внешнеторговый международный контракт: типовой образец, пример контракта, экономические и юридические аспекты предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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The global economy has given businesses broader access than ever before to markets all over the world. Goods are sold in more countries, in larger quantities, and in greater variety. But as the volume and complexity of international sales increase, so do possibilities for misunderstandings and costly disputes if sales contracts are not adequately drafted.
Contracts are normally governed by a particular domestic law the choice of which is settled by agreement of the parties. Frequently, parties to a contract are unaware of the various laws and trading practices of their respective countries.
In order to remedy these problems, attempts have been made for the unification of rules relating to contracts for the international sale of goods. Efforts towards the international unification of contract law have essentially taken the form of binding instruments such as international conventions.
The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Vienna, 1980 is based on the assumption that uniform law, even after its incorporation into the various national legal systems, only formally becomes an integral part of the latter, whereas from a substantive point of view it does not lose its original character of a special body of law autonomously developed at the international level and intended to be applied in a uniform manner throughout the world.
Parties to international contracts of sale may also agree that their contract be governed by the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts drawn up by the International Institute for the Unification of Private Law in Rome in 1994. The UNIDROIT Principles are a balanced set of rules designed for use throughout the world irrespective of the legal traditions and the economic and political conditions of the countries in which they are to be applied.
In regard to substance, the UNIDROIT Principles are sufficiently flexible to take account of the constantly changing circumstances caused by technological and economic developments that affect cross-border trade practice. At the same time they attempt to ensure fairness in international commercial relations by expressly stating the general duty of the parties to act in accordance with good faith and fair dealing and, in a number of specific instances, imposing standards of reasonable behaviour.
When drawing up a contract, buyer and seller may also refer to one of the ICC Incoterms to be sure that respective responsibilities are simply and reliably defined. By so doing they eliminate any possibility of misunderstanding and subsequent dispute.
One should also mention further development of international unification of commercial practices through model clauses or even model contracts formulated by leading experts in the field of contract law and international trade law as well as interested business circles on the basis of current trade practices. The ICC Model International Sale Contract (ICC publication № 556) was first published in 1997.
Московский государственный университет геодезии и картографии (МИИГАиК)
Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK)
[москоу стэйт юнивёсити ов джиодэзи энд картографи]
THE FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND LAND MANAGEMENT graduates specialists in the field of land and real-property relations:
* Urban Cadastre trains specialists in land accounting, assessment and registration;
* Organization Management trains Students in marketing and urban management, land property, operations with real estate and its insurance.
* Public and Municipal Management provides vocational training in solving problems of control, monitoring, using and protection of urban territories;
* Finance and Crediting, where students undergo training in the fields of financing activities related to real property.
THE HUMANITARIAN FACULTY provides vocational training in Jurisprudence, graduating specialists in the field of civil and criminal law, Linguistic branch.
Besides, the faculty trains specialists in Architecture, who master architectural engineering and landscape design. Training in this specialty is preceded with 1 year`s study at preparatory courses.
I am studying English at the Linguistic branch (THE HUMANITARIAN FACULTY) of Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK).
Я изучаю английский язык на Лингвистическом отделении (Гуманитарный факультет) Московского Государственного Университета Геодезии и Картографии (МИИГАиК).
Students can also get bachelor’s degree in the fields of Optoengineering, Geodesy, Land Use and Urban Cadastre while studying at the EVENING FACULTY where foreign citizens are admitted.
Moscow State University of Geodesy and Cartography (MIIGAiK) was established in 1779 and it is the center of higher geodetic education in Russia and the largest educational institution of this type in Europe.
Основанный 14 мая 1779 года по повелению императрицы Екатерины II Великой при Межевой канцелярии в Москве, как Землемерная школа, наш Вуз прошел славный путь от Константиновского межевого института до Московского института инженеров геодезии аэрофотосъемки и картографии (в 1993 году МИИГАиК был преобразован в Московский государственный университет геодезии и картографии).
В настоящее время в составе Московского государственного университета геодезии и картографии 7 дневных факультетов: геодезический, картографический, аэрокосмических съемок и фотограмметрии, оптического приборостроения, экономики и управления территориями, гуманитарный факультет, факультет прикладной космонавтики, а также заочный и вечерний факультеты.
Check Questions
What are the sources of law governing contracts for the international sale of goods?
On what assumption is the 1980 Vienna Convention based?
What documents provide a system of rules especially tailored to the needs of international commercial transactions?
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги Внешнеторговый международный контракт: типовой образец, пример контракта, экономические и юридические аспекты предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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