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  3. Дмитрий Николаевич Тимофеев

Природа космических тел Солнечной системы

Дмитрий Николаевич Тимофеев
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В книге 137 гипотез автора, показано какие процессы происходят в глубинах Солнца, Земли, других планет, какова природа вулканических явлений и землетрясений, как произошла нефть, руды, рассыпные месторождения ценных металлов, какова природа Тунгусского феномена и Челябинского болида, какая температура в центре Земли. Работа написана несложно, содержит 120 рисунков, рассчитана как на геологов, так и на всех читателей, интересующихся строением мира.


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D. N. Timofeev




Second edition

Timofeev D. N. The nature of the cosmic bodies of the solar system.

Monograph on the formation of the Sun and the planets of the Solar system, the processes in them now and in the next billions of years. The book contains 137 hypotheses of the author, previously presented in reports at conferences at the institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences and received positive feedback from scientists. The work shows what processes occur in the depths of the Sun, the Earth and other planets, what is the nature of volcanic phenomena and earthquakes, how oil, ores, loose deposits of valuable metals occurred, what is the nature of the Tunguska phenomenon and the Chelyabinsk bolide, what is the temperature in the center of the Earth, what is the difference in the composition of substances on different planets, why the matter of Saturn and Jupiter have a low density, how the Earth’s magnetic field was formed and why it changes, and many other mysteries of nature. The paper refutes the old ideas about the composition of the substances of the Earth and the Sun, gives a new composition calculated on the basis of the laws of nuclear physics, predicts the author’s finding in the depths of the Earth of new previously unknown substances «nitro oil» and «silane oil», and also shows the possibility and method of extracting these new minerals that will provide people with energy and metals for thousands of years. The work is written simply, for a better understanding and a more pleasant reading, contains 120 drawings, designed for both geologists and all readers interested in the structure of the world.


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