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Мотивашка-Разукрашка. Изучаем английский вместе!

Екатерина Владимировна
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Изучайте английский вместе с увлекательными историями ярких персонажей! Каждый рассказ состоит из серии рисунков. Рассказы помогут детям научиться мотивации для достижения целей и получения результатов, а также есть возможность читать истории на двух языках. В электронной версии книги дети смогут погрузиться в истории персонажей, изучить язык и посмотреть подробные иллюстрации к каждому рассказу. В печатной книге происходит не только погружение в рассказы и изучение, но и разукрашивание.


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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Мотивашка-Разукрашка. Изучаем английский вместе!» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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The cat who learned something new

In a beautiful, but small town, lived a cat unlike anyone else. His name was Kisi.

When Kisi was little, he was keen on watching and chasing butterflies. Seeing flowers and trees bloom. He was a curious cat.

At some point, he realized that he wanted to learn how to climb trees. It was necessary in order to see where the birds are hiding so high? Why are they doing this?

But the problem is, Kisi was afraid of height. The highest he has climbed before was a street bench, which oh his opinion was too high. But at some point he realized that if he didn’t overcome his fear, he would never know where the birds were hiding, the ones he loves to watch so much!

So, what he has done.

First, he jumped onto the lower branch of that very tree. It was an apple tree with beautiful flowers had just blossomed. Then he looked down, and realized that he could climb even higher. He climbed a higher branch, then another one, and did not notice how he made it to the branch, with that strange home hanging next to it. Birds were hiding there. He was very careful and every time he was making sure if he holding good enough not to fall down

When he got to the place where birds always disappeared, he saw something new for himself.

It was a nest built by the parents of the birds for their offspring. There were already white testicles. He hid to watch what those two birds that so often fly there are doing.

Since then, he climbed there to see that chicks soon hatched from white small oval eggs.

A new life began before his eyes!

So our curious Kisi, overcame the fear of heights and found out for himself what he was interested in for a long time!

Kisi teaches us to be brave and that we shouldn’t be afraid of new things.


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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Мотивашка-Разукрашка. Изучаем английский вместе!» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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