Chapter 5
The Chevalier Valmont turned out to be a pleasant travel companion. Before the carriage ever reached the outskirts of Mouseville (18), he had told to his new acquaintance the tragic story of his life. It so happened that he had spent most of his life at sea, much of it against his own free will. As an adolescent, he had been taken captive by pirates during a raid on the small seaside town where he had lived with his parents, his brothers and sisters, and had only recently escaped from captivity. Now, he was making his way to Mouseville to search for his sister — the only one who had survived the raid, aside from himself. He had found out that she was a nun at one of the convents not far from the capital city.
turn out здесь: оказаться (кем-либо); pleasant приятный; travel companion попутчик; outskirts окраина, предместье; acquaintance знакомый; will добрая воля ◊ against his own free will против своей воли, против своего желания; adolescent подросток; take captive брать в плен; raid набег; seaside town приморский городок; recently недавно; escape бежать; captivity плен; was making his way to находился на пути в; search for sb искать кого-либо; survive выжить; aside from himself кроме, помимо него самого; find out (found; found) узнать, выяснить; nun монахиня; convent женский монастырь
The Baron listened intently to his companion, his heart palpitating all the while.
“Where are you going to stay in Mouseville?” he asked as the story ended.
“I don’t know yet. This is my first time in Mouseville. Could you drop me by some sort of hotel?”
“I’ve got a better idea. I would be very happy if you agreed to stay at my place (19). At least, for some time, just until you can get a place of your own. I’m sure my wife won’t mind, either. With you in the house, she won’t feel quite so lonely (20). For some reason, she has been feeling pretty depressed (21) as of late. Your presence just might cheer her up.” (22)
intently внимательно; heart сердце; palpitate сильно биться; all the while все это время, здесь: пока он слушал; drop здесь: высадить; agree согласиться; at least по крайней мере; mind возражать; lonely одинокий; depressed в подавленном состоянии духа, в угнетенном состоянии; as of late в последнее время; presence присутствие; cheer up настроить на веселый лад, поднять настроение, развлечь, ободрить
“Thank you, but I do think that three is a crowd.” (23)
“It won’t be a bother. My house is so big that you can have a whole floor to yourself. Believe me, it’s not that I simply wish to be polite — no, I would really love to have you stay with us. I have never met a mouse so brave, and so decent. You’re so much different from anyone I know.”
“Well, it looks as though I’ve got no choice on the matter. Very well, I shall honour your invitation, but only for a couple of days.”
crowd толпа ◊ three is a crowd третий лишний; bother беспокойство, лишние хлопоты, помеха; whole целый, весь; floor здесь: этаж; decent порядочный; choice выбор; on the matter по данному вопросу; honour sb’s invitation принять чье-либо приглашение; couple пара