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  3. Елизавета Хейнонен

The Wedding of Mademoiselle Roquefort

Елизавета Хейнонен (2021)
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Юная мадмуазель Рокфор обращается к частному сыщику с просьбой спасти от гильотины ее возлюбленного, обвиняемого в убийстве. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей, обладающих словарным запасом не менее в одну тысячу английских слов. Она содержит большое количество диалогов, написанных современным английским языком. Все диалоги снабжены подробными комментариями к отдельным словам и речевым оборотам. Комментарии должны помочь читателю лучше чувствовать и понимать иностранный язык, а также существенно расширить свой словарный запас. Правильность понимания текста можно проверить, сравнив свой перевод с прилагаемым русским текстом диалогов.


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Baron Roquefort

Baroness Roquefort

Mortimer, the Majordomo in the house of Baron Roquefort

A half hour later, the baron, now fully dressed and pomaded, entered the dining room. The baroness, a plump little mouse lady, was already waiting for him.

Baron: Good morning, my darling.

Baroness: Good morning, dear.

Baron: You look very beautiful today.

Baroness: Thank you, dear.

Baron (to majordomo): What’s for breakfast, Mortimer?

Majordomo: Your favourite cheddar cheese, Your Excellency.

Baron: It smells delicious!

Baroness: You’re a true magician, Mortimer. I cannot hope to ever lose weight if you keep on spoiling us like that! (7)

Majordomo (with a bow): Always at the service of Your Excellency. (8)

Baron: And you certainly need not lose weight, my darling. You are beautiful just the way you are. A mouse lady must be a bit plump around the hips.

Baroness: You’re such a gentleman, Maurice! You always know how to comfort me. But I don’t see Mathilda. Where in the world is our daughter? (9)

Majordomo: Mademoiselle Mathilda is in her room, Madame. I am afraid she has come down with a headache. (10)

Baroness: A headache? On her wedding day? On the happiest day of her life? I simply cannot understand that!

Baron: Perhaps she is just nervous, my dear. After all, one does not get married every day. (11)

Baroness: Nonsense! Besides, she isn’t marrying some street bum. (12) She is marrying the Marquis Camembert, the most eligible bachelor in the whole of Mouse Kingdom! (13) If this were my wedding, I would surely be jumping with joy. I certainly wouldn’t lose my appetite over it. (14)

Baron: Certainly not, dear. Just don’t forget that you’re already married.

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