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  3. Игорь Николаевич Евтишенков

Английский язык, ОГЭ, устная часть, задание №3, монолог

Игорь Николаевич Евтишенков
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Более 100 вариантов ответа на задание №3 из устной части ОГЭ по английскому языку. Тексты сопровождаются дополнительной лексикой по темам. Каждый вариант представляет собой избыточный ответ, который можно легко сократить и изменить в соответствии с уровнем и возможностями ученика. По некоторым темам представлены несколько вариантов заданий и ответов.


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You are going to give a talk about your attitude to blogging. You will have to start in 1.5 minutes and speak for not 2 minutes — 10—12 sentences.

Remember to say:

• why blogging is so popular among teenagers;

• what bloggers show and tell their followers;

• whether blogging could become your career in future and why;

• what your attitude to blogging is.

You have to talk continuously.

Now I am going to tell you about blogging. This online activity has caught on recently so much that almost everyone wants to be a blogger, I think.

* In my opinion blogging is so popular among teenagers because they want to become famous and recognisable like their favourite celebrities. Also, it’s an easy, fast, and convenient way to share your posts, photos, impressions, music. Doing in this way, teens often find friends and like-minders.

* To tell the truth, blogging refers to placing self-publishing content online. This content varies at bloggers significantly. For example, travel blogs or food blogs usually include photos with some written texts, while political blogs may post long discussions on the news. Blogs are more about conversation and interaction, chatting and sharing comments.

* You won’t believe it but I guess, I’m the only one in or class, who doesn’t want to be a blogger. I am keen on coding and software development. It takes up a lot of time. Moreover, I am introvert. I cannot produce a lot of wordy content and meaningless posts. I suspect it is vey difficult to earn money by blogging and it’s not a very reliable job, either. So no, not at all, nothing of the kind. It won’t be my career, undoubtedly.

* You see my attitude to blogging is simple and neutral. It’s a good opportunity to waste your time, blow off steam, so to speak, if there is someone, who can feed you and pay your bills. Blogging to me is a sort of entertainment and show-off rather than anything serious and worth doing. That kind of thing.

That’s all I wanted to tell you about blogging.

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