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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Brush Up On Your English, фразовые глаголы, учебник. Учебник и рабочая тетрадь для годового курса изучения фразовых глаголов» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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1. I feel like drinking a cup of coffee. — Я бы не прочь выпить чашечку кофе.
2. My belly is rumbling. — У меня в животе урчит.
3. Would you like to have a meal? — Не хотите поесть?
4. Let’s have a snack somewhere. — Давай перекусим где-нибудь.
5. I’m thirsty and dying for some water. — В горле пересохло, ужасно хочется воды.
My granny used to tell me she had to go to the market every day to buy fresh meat and vegetables for dinner. It was before the refrigerator was invented. Traditionally, eating was something that all family members did together because there was no chance to grab a bite or have a snack on the go like nowadays. In the past, most parents insisted that the whole family sat around the dining table at a certain time. They prayed and tried to act politely while eating. Even my mother used to tell me, «When my lunch is at its peak, I’m deaf and mute, so please don’t speak.» I can’t hear it today among my friends, and it is most unlikely that I will say it to my kids.
Technical inventions have dramatically changed our habits and behaviour. Usually we watch TV, smartphones or tablet PCs while we eat; we don’t share breakfast and lunch with our family and eat at different times. Microwaves have changed the way we cook and today it’s easy to do it in seconds without having to wait until your parents come back home from work. I know that it’s very rare for a lot of my friends’ families to sit at the table together and share their news over a good meal. Moreover, the thought of cooking for someone at home makes them nervous and anxious, for guests in particular. If it happens, the day turns into a nightmare and the hosts don’t feel happy at all. So, most prefer having snacks and lunch outside and ordering pizza or other convenience food has become quite natural. That’s why, times change, but not necessarily for the better.
· TIMES CHANGE, BUT NOT NECESSARILY FOR THE BETTER / времена меняются, но необязательно к лучшему
I like throwing a dinner party for my friends. Yesterday I prepared a chicken casserole and put it in the freezer to make sure it did not go off1. I took it out of the freezer in the morning and defrosted it2. Then I put the chicken on3 and made a salad of lettuce, cheese, pickled carrot and ham. I heated up4 the casserole, making sure that it did not boil over5 and asked my boyfriend to pop out6 for some drinks.
1 go off — портиться
2 defrost smth — размораживать ч-л, оттаивать
3 put smth on — (по-) ставить готовиться ч-л.
4 heat smth up — подогревать, нагревать ч-л.
5 boil over — «убегать», переливаться через край
6 pop out (for smth) — выскакивать, выбегать, отбегать за ч-л. (ненадолго)
1. Молоко плохо пахнет. Думаю, оно испортилось.
2. Курица заморожена. Положи её, пожалуйста, в микроволновку, чтобы разморозить.
3. Я не могу поставить готовиться свинину, так как на плите суп.
4. Не могли бы вы подогреть это, пожалуйста?
5. Убавь газ до минимума на конфорке, вода может убежать через край (перелиться).
6. Ты не против, если я выскочу в магазин?
1. The milk smells bad. Yes, I think it has gone off.
2. The chicken is frozen. Could you put it in the microwave to defrost it, please?
3. I can’t put pork on since there is soup on the hob.
4. Could you heat it up, please?
5. Turn the gas down very low on your burner, the water can boil over.
6. Do you mind me popping out to the shop?
The birthday was great, my mother helped me set the table and handed round1 plates with snacks and salad. My brother poured out2 drinks. As anyone needed a refill, he immediately came up and topped up3 their glasses. I served the main dish and all my friends dug in to4 pork and mashed potatoes. It was Daisy who didn’t touch her food.
«Why are you picking at5 the salad?» my brother asked her.
«Now she’s gonna say she pigged out6 on pizza this morning’, her boyfriend said gleefully and winked at him. «She thinks she needs to lose weight. So she has to cut down on7 fatty food’.
Soon he polished off8 both plates and happily smiled. He said it went well with8 the salad, and everyone agreed. I started passing biscuits and gateau round10 while everyone else went outside to chat and let their dinner digest.
1 hand/pass smth round — разносить, раздавать ч-л.
2 pour out smth — разливать ч-л.
3 top up smth — подливать, доливать ч-л.
4 dig in (to) smth — набрасываться на ч-л.
5 pick at smth — ковырять (-ся), возить (по тарелке)
6 pig out smth — объедаться, обжираться ч-л.
7 cut down (on) smth — снижать, уменьшать ч-л. (потребление)
8 polish off smth — «вылизывать» ч-л.
9 go well with smth — идти, подходить, соответствовать ч-л.
10 pass smth round — передавать, раздавать ч-л.
1. Не мог бы ты раздать тарелки, пожалуйста?
2. Ну и кто тут будет разливать выпивку?
3. У вас в бокале почти нет вина. Вы не против, если я подолью вам?
4. Следи за своим поведением, не набрасывайся на еду, как будто ты голодный!
5. Ну чего ты ковыряешься в тарелке (возишь по тарелке)?
6. Слушай, я обожрался, как свинья.
7. Тебе надо поменьше пить кофе, и курить сигарет, и соблюдать сбалансированную диету.
8. Мы смели еду (с тарелок) в мгновение ока.
9. Красное вино подходит к этой рыбе?
1. Could you hand the plates round, please?
2. Well, who’s gonna pour the drinks out?
3. You’ve got almost no wine in your glass. Would you mind me topping up your glass?
4. Mind your manners, don’t dig into the meal as if you’ve not eaten for a week!
5. Why are you picking at her plate?
6. Listen, I’ve pigged out.
7. You need to cut down on coffee and cigarettes, and eat a balanced diet.
8. We polished off our meal in a blink of an eye.
9. Does red wine go with this kind of fish?
As we had nothing to eat the next day, I decided to get a takeaway1. I ordered a sea-food pizza, my favourite. My brother says that I live on2 pizza because I adore it and eat it so often. I don’t argue because we have no leftovers3. He will have to put up with my choice. I can’t be bothered cutting up4 onion, taking off5 tomato skins, chopping, boiling and frying all that in the morning. No way! I’m not cut out for it!
1 a takeaway — еда на вынос
2 live on (off) smth — зависеть от, жить за счёт к-л.
3 leftovers — остатки (еды)
4 cut smth up — нарезать ч-л.
5 take smth off — счищать, снимать, удалять ч-л.
1. Ты часто заказываешь еду на вынос?
2. Он живёт на одном кофе, я думаю. Я никогда не видел его без чашки кофе.
3. Вы выбрасываете остатки после еды или отдаёте питомцам?
4. Ненавижу резать лук, потому что у меня от него текут слёзы.
5. Я не снимаю кожицу с помидоров ножом, а просто обдаю их кипятком и кожица сразу слазит.
1. Do you often have to get a takeaway when working?
2. He lives on coffee, I guess. I never saw him without a cup of coffee.
3. Do you throw leftovers away after a meal or feed pets?
4. I hate cutting up onion as it brings tears to my eyes.
5. I don’t take the skins off tomatoes with a knife, I just pour boiling water over them and the skins peel off at once.
When you’re in a hurry, you don’t chew, and instead you gobble your food down1. If you want to enjoy it, you have to take time. I don’t remember the taste of what we were eating while serving in the Navy, we just wolfed it down2 and that’s it. Now I can afford to eat out3 every day, but my wife likes to eat in4 and I have to admit she has a knack for5 cooking! On Saturday mornings, we usually send out for6 fish sandwiches and a nice tiramisu cake. Sometimes our friends call us, and we have them round7 and serve up8 something special. While I’m barbecuing, my wife slices pizza up9 and lets everyone help themselves to10 what they want.
I know that Mike and Jenny, our neighbours, cut meat out11 entirely from their diet. They both have gastric ulcers and meat causes stabbing pains in their stomachs. It does not agree with12 them, so my wife usually cooks steamed vegetables and chicken for them. That goes well with olives and lettuce. I think we have to follow them if we want to feel healthier. They say a lot of raw vegetables can fill me up13 even though I suspect it’s not true, but my wife thinks vegetables can help her stay slim and she won’t put on14 weight. She says I can put away15 three steaks, a pizza and some beer in one meal, and it’s unhealthy. Of course, it’s much better be off picking at a salad for half an hour pretending it’s so delicious. Oh, those women!
1 gobble smth down — проглатывать ч-л., глотать ч-л., не пережёвывая
2 wolf smth down — сметать, проглатывать ч-л.
3 eat out — питаться не дома
4 eat in — питаться дома
5 have a knack for smth — иметь талант к ч-л., быть мастером в ч-л.
6 send out for smth — заказывать на дом ч-л.
7 have smb round — приглашать в гости к-л.
8 serve up / serve food — готовить, предлагать ч-л., обслуживать
9 slice smth up — нарезать ч-л.
10 let everyone help themselves to — помогать раскладывать по тарелкам
11 cut smth out — исключать ч-л.
12 agree (disagree) with smth — подходить к ч-л./быть вредным
13 fill smth up — наедаться ч-л.
14 put on smth — набирать (вес)
15 put/tuck smth away — уплетать ч-л.
1. В детстве я постоянно глотал пирожные и пирожки, не жуя.
2. Если вы проведёте в лесу без еды несколько дней, то вы съедите всё, что только сможете проглотить.
3. Мы редко едим не дома и предпочитаем кушать дома.
4. Ты часто выужден есть не дома из-за этой работы?
5. Ты — прямо мастер готовки!
6. Давай закажем пиццу и суши на дом?
7. Мы часто приглашаем соседей в гости.
8. Как они могут предлагать такую гадость?
9. Не мог бы ты нарезать лимон, пожалуйста?
10. Помоги им разложить еду по таралекам, пожалуйста.
11. Пора убрать сахар и сладости из моего рациона.
12. Алкоголь у меня не усваивается, и это не так уж плохо на самом деле.
13. Я не могу жить только на овощах. Мне надо мясо, чтобы чувствовать себя сытым.
14. Кажется, я набрала вес немного.
15. Когда я служил в армии, мы уплетали всё, что только могли найти.
1. In my childhood I used to gobble down cakes and pies.
2. If you spend a few days without food in the forest, you will wolf down anything you could swallow.
3. We seldom eat out and prefer eating in.
4. Do you often have to eat out because of this job?
5. You have a knack for cooking!
6. Let’s send out for a pizza and some sushi.
7. We often have our neighbours round.
8. How can they serve up such rubbish?
9. Do they serve nice food over there?
10. Could you slice the lemon up, please?
11. It’s time to cut sugar and sweets out of my diet.
12. Alcohol doesn’t agree with me, and that’s not such a bad thing.
13. I can’t live on vegetables alone, I need some meat to fill me up.
14. I seem to have put on some weight.
15. When I was in the Army, we put away whatever we could find.
You know pizza is a kind of meal that takes some drink to wash it down1. It might be either spicy or quite dry, and water helps me swallow it. My friends usually drink beer, and they say «let’s drink to2 the teetotaller», bantering with me. Today I woke up late and had some chocolate biscuits with milk and cereal. I didn’t really want it and just was dipping a biscuit in3 milk. It soaked up4 the milk, and I was enjoying it very much. I felt great that morning after being out the night before at a party with my mates. Even dark stains on the tablecloth didn’t make me feel sick. I was smiling, recalling Jane trying to water down5 neat whiskey with sweet cola. Her hands were shaking and cola spilled over6 the edge of the glass. She’d never drunk whiskey before, and it made her feel nervous because she wanted to look cool. So it was enough for her to drink it up7 and flake out8, out cold, as if she were an alcoholic, drinking like a fish9 every night. She’s been sleeping upstairs in my bedroom since then.
1 wash smth down — запивать ч-л.
2 drink to smb — выпивать за к-л.
3 dip smth in smth — окунать, макать ч-л. в ч-л.
4 soak up smth — впитывать ч-л
5 water smth down — разбавлять ч-л.
6 spill over smth — переливать (-ся) через ч-л.
7 drink smth up/down — выпивать до дна, осушать ч-л.
8 flake out — вырубиться, срубиться, свалиться
9 drink like a fish — пить запоем, беспробудно пьянствовать
1. Возьми воду и запей таблетку.
2. Давайте выпьем за нашего друга!
3. Мне нравится макать клубнику в растаявший шоколад.
4. В детстве я любил класть гренки в тарелку и наблюдать, как они впитывают суп.
5. Можешь разбавить кофе молоком, если он слишком кропкий.
6. Простите, шампанское перелилось через край стакана.
7. Существует традиция выпивать первый бокал до дна.
8. Я так устал, что вырубился сразу после того, как поел.
9. Ты когда-нибудь вырубался?
10. Его уволили с работы и он стал беспробудно пить.
1. Have some water and wash the pill down.
2. Let’s drink to our friend!
3. I like to dip strawberries into melted chocolate.
4. In my childhood I liked to put croutons in the bowl and watch them soak up the soup.
5. You can water down your coffee with milk, if it’s too strong.
6. Excuse me, champagne spilled over the edge of the glass.
7. It’s traditional to drink the first glass straight down.
8. I was so tired that I flaked out after having a meal.
9. Have you ever flaked out?
10. He was fired and started drinking like a fish.
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Пример: To bring up — to educate
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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Brush Up On Your English, фразовые глаголы, учебник. Учебник и рабочая тетрадь для годового курса изучения фразовых глаголов» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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