The Adventures of Yumi
Maxim Titovets
The Adventures of Yumi
Maxim Titovets
Theatre play for children
To Sofia, Alexandra and Yumi.
«Success is a measure of person’s decisions. Dreams come true. You should wish for something with your whole heart, believe in yourself and keep moving towards your desirable goal». Maxim Titovets, 2020.
Translated by Ekaterina Zudova
Yumi, a puppy.
Greta, his mother.
Pirate, a stray dog.
Titmouse, a gossipy neighbor.
Lord, a boss of the cat gang.
Toy, a kitten burglar.
Melisa, his mother.
Malyshev, the mayor of the city.
Nyuta, his daughter, 10 years old
Suvorov, a major, a local police officer.
Yin, a little field mouse.
Yang, her brother.
Crow, a black bird.
Khorkov, the house manager and the leader of the animal tormentor gang.
Corkscrew, his henchman.
Karabasov, a director of a construction company.
Scene 1.
Christmas Eve. Early morning. Light frost.
A wasteland on the outskirts of the city. The house of Greta and Yumi is in the foreground, it is a small dugout blanketed in snow. A metal mesh fence is on the left, and an apartment block yard is behind it. On the right there are thickets of bushes followed by a deep gully.
Yumi and the field mice play tag.
Yin. Yumi!
Yumi. Grr…
Yang. Yumi!
Yumi. Woof!
Yin. Yumi, we are here!
Yumi. Won’t I just catch you!
Yang. Uh-huh.
Yumi. Tadpoles!
Yang. Ha-ha. What a clumsy puppy!
Yin. It’s not a puppy, but a snail!
Yumi. So that’s what you’re saying! Woof! (He comes for the little mouse, who stands on a small heap of snow and pulls it all down.)
Yang. It’s not a snail, but a jumbo.
Yin. Fat clumsy jumbo Yumi.
Yumi. Woof! I will catch you and I will eat you!
The little mice laugh and scatter in all directions.
Yin. Yumi, eat me!
Yang. Yumi, you’d better eat me!
Yumi. Woof!
Yin. Yumi, I taste better.
Yumi. Grr…
A crow flies up to them, pounces at one of the mice and tries to carry it away. Yumi bites the crow’s tail. The crow sets the little mouse free, wriggles out of Yumi and flies away.
Crow (on the wing). Caw!!! Caw!!! Just hold on, you pup! We’ll be quits yet! You won’t forget me. Caw!!! Caw…
Yang. Yumi, thank you!
Yin. Thank you, Yumi. You are my hero.
The mice run away.
Yumi. A hero. Are there even such heroes? (He looks at his reflection in a lump of ice.)
Yumi. No. I don’t look like a hero. I’m just a little puppy. Now, when will my mom be back? I am hungry.
A window sash opens on the first floor, and Toy peeps out from the opening with a Сracow sausage between his teeth. Yumi catches a sight of Toy. He scrapes through a hole in the fence to the yard of the apartment block and runs up to the kitten.
Yumi. Hold on!
Toy. I’m holding on.
Yumi. Got you, petty burglar!
Toy. Who are you?
Yumi. I guard this yard! Woof!
Toy. Shoo, tadpole.
Yumi. You are another.
Toy. Let me go.
Yumi. Put back what you’ve stolen!
Toy. Yeah, right.
Yumi. I mean it!
Toy. Oh, I’m so scared.
Yumi. Put the sausage back!
Toy. What’s next! What are you going to do?
Yumi. Grrr…
Toy. Fffhhh!!!
Toy jumps down, still keeping hold of his trophy. Yumi takes after him. They both run across the yard. Toy makes his way to the wasteland through the hole in the fence. Yumi stays on his tail. Toy rushes to the thickets of bushes and falls into a trap: he finds himself enmeshed in an old trammel.
Yumi. I’ve got you there.
Toy. Fffhhh!!!
Yumi. Serves you right!
Toy. Oh.
The kitten tries to free himself but only gets more enmeshed.
Yumi. I’ll show you how to steal sausages.
Toy. Go teach a fish to swim.
The dog named Pirate emerges from the bushes.
Pirate. Grrr!!! Hey, tadpoles! Who’s shouting here?
Yumi (to Toy). It is Pirate, run! (He runs away towards his dugout house.)
Pirate. Freeze!
Toy. Fffhhh…
Pirate. Ah! It’s you, petty burglar. Got you in the end.
Toy. Fffhhh!!!
Pirate. This is the end for you.
Yumi comes back and stands behind Pirate’s back. A titmouse flies to the wasteland.
Yumi. Don’t move, you coward!
Pirate. Eh?!!
Yumi. You are a coward if you hurt the weak.
Pirate. What have you just said?
Yumi. You are a coward if you hurt the weak.
Pirate. You are barking up the wrong tree, you pup.
Yumi. Don’t you touch the kitten!
Pirate. Grrr!!! You just say it…
Pirate takes a couple of steps towards Yumi. The puppy stands still. Greta enters into the picture, starts forward and steps between Pirate and Yumi.
Greta. Grrr!!! Don’t you dare touch him, Pirate!
Pirate. Grrr!!!
Greta. Grrr!!!
Pirate. And you are the same old brass neck, Greta.
Pirate moves back, comes to Toy and takes the sausage from him.
Pirate. I’d finish you off but I’ve got no time for this.
Pirate goes back to the bushes. Yumi approaches Toy and helps him get free. Toy runs off. Yumi steps up to Greta, and she hugs her son.
Greta. Yumi, my boy. You scared me so much.
Yumi. Mommy, I’m sorry.
Greta. You left our housing and ran into danger.
Yumi. But Pirate could have killed the kitten!
Greta. These wrangles have nothing to do with you. Let’s go home. (She heads for the dugout.)
Yumi. One should not leave the weak to their fate!
Greta. Oh, Yumi. You are just like your father when he was young.
Yumi. My father? When he was young?
Greta. Time spares no one… Yumi, keep up.
Yumi. My father, what was he like?
Greta. Don’t ask me about it.
Yumi. Mom, please do tell!
Titmouse. Your father was the strongest and the bravest dog in the whole neighborhood.
Yumi. Oh really?
Titmouse. He was a police dog and fought with the cat burglar gang.
Yumi. Fought with the cat burglar gang?
Titmouse. Yes. And then somebody shot your father with a gun.
Yumi. With a gun?
Titmouse. Exactly, I saw it with my own eyes when they were taking him to the hospital.
Yumi. Aunt Titmouse, and where is my father now?
Titmouse. Half a year ago he was pensioned off on health grounds…
Greta. Off you go! Don’t mess with the boy’s head. (She shoos the titmouse away.)
Titmouse. You are one to talk. You are one to talk… (She flies away.) Thunder! Your father’s name was Thunder!
Yumi. Thunder. Mom! My father’s name was Thunder.
Greta. Don’t listen to this old twister, son. Your father disappeared.
Yumi. Disappeared?
Greta. Vanished into thin air.
Yumi. Vanished?
Greta. Had abandoned his family a month before you were born.
Yumi. Abandoned? My father? No, he couldn’t do that.
Greta. Titmouse. Old scandalmonger. If I ever get a hold of you.
Yumi. My father is a real hero! I wish I could meet him.
Yumi and Greta get into their dugout house.
Scene 2.
Morning. The same wasteland. Light snow is falling.
Yumi, Greta.
Greta. What have I just said, Yumi?
Yumi. Yes, I know, mom, I know.
Greta. Repeat it please!
Yumi. The first rule: never go far from our home.
Greta. In case of any danger run right hereinto. What’s next?
Yumi. The second rule: don’t go to the gully, since Pirate, the evil dog, lives there.
Greta. Watch out for him, son! What else?
Yumi. Look, I’ve come by some berries. (He shows Greta a bunch of frozen red berries.)
Greta. What is the third rule?
Yumi. The third rule: never trust people.
Greta. Especially those, who try to treat you to something nice and yummy.
Yumi. Yummy?
Greta. It’s a trap, Yumi!
Yumi. Yes, I know, I know. Let’s eat finally. Here you are, take it.
Yumi splits off a twiglet with red berries from the bunch and gives it to Greta. Then he throws the rest of the berries into his mouth and starts chewing them actively. Greta watches him carefully.
Yumi. (Stops chewing, screws up his face and spits.) Yuk, how disgusting! Mom, they are so bitter…
Greta. My little silly boy. These berries are called viburnum.
Yumi. Ugh… gross.
Greta. Here, have some of this. (She gives Yumi a piece of frozen bread.)
Yumi. Bread!
Greta. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to get anything else in the town.
Yumi gulps down his whole piece so that there is not a mite left.
Yumi. Mmm… so tasty. But not enough.
Yumi. And here we go again.
Greta. What happened, son?
Yumi. I’ve eaten everything.
Greta. Well done.
Yumi. I forgot to share it with you!
Greta. Nevermind, darling. You need to eat well in order to be strong.
Yumi. But what about you, mom?
Greta. I can put up with it, Yumi. The only thing that matters is that you can live through this winter.
Yumi. When I get older, I will be the strongest and the bravest. Just like my father.
Greta. My little dreamer.
Yumi. And you will be happy, mommy.
Greta. I am happy now, darling.
Yumi. Are you happy, mom? Here, on the wasteland?
Greta. Yes, Yumi. I am happy because you are here with me. And nothing can stop me from loving you.
Yumi. We will have our own home for sure. A real home!
Greta. Today is Christmas Eve. May all your dreams come true, son.
Yumi. What is Christmas Eve?
Greta. It is time when you can make wishes.
Yumi. Will my wishes be fulfilled?
Greta. If you really want it. With your whole heart. You will do just fine. Believe in your success and keep moving towards your desirable goal.
Yumi. First, wish for something with my whole heart. Second, believe in my success and keep moving towards my goal. That’s it!
Greta. I need some rest now. I’m going to head for the town again in the evening to find at least some food.
Yumi. I’m so hungry, my tummy is rumbling.
Greta. Be patient, Yumi. And never go far from our home!
Yumi. Alright, mommy. I will guard your sleep.
Greta gets into the dugout. Yumi stays outside.
Scene 3.
Noon. Fair weather.
Karabasov and Khorkov come into the apartment block yard. They approach the fence near the wasteland. Yumi hides from them.
Khorkov. All set, mister Karabasov.
Karabasov. Keep a close watch on the girl.
Khorkov. It’s not the first time we pull off a job.
Karabasov. You answer for this with your life, Khorkov.
Khorkov. My lads work without a hitch.
Karabasov. The key point here is not to let Malyshev smell a rat ahead of time.
Khorkov. We’ll put a good screw on him, so he’ll be putty in hands.
Karabasov. Are you sure that when we kidnap the mayor’s daughter, he will sign all the necessary papers and give away this land to us for building up? (He points to the wasteland.)
Khorkov. As if he had a choice. Malyshev thinks the world of his daughter.
Karabasov. I heard his wife died last winter.
Khorkov. Right. The girl lost her mother. And now she is our only chance to make the mayor of the city work for the welfare of your construction company.
Karabasov. Khorkov. I need this land!
Khorkov. I’ll do everything, boss.
A group of people enter the yard: Malyshev, Nyuta, a local newspaper reporter, city representatives.
Malyshev. Okay, let me see, Karabasov. What do you have here?
Karabasov. Good afternoon, mister Mayor. Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you for coming. Our construction company has been engaged in building up and development of this district for three years now. There was a time when it was a slum area. This is the place which spawned all the organized crime activity. With our company coming to this area, everything changed. We straightened things out and made these streets safe for the citizens.
A round of applause from the city representatives.
Karabasov. Thank you, my friends. Mister Khorkov, our house manager, will give you a tour around the new apartment block. The upper floors of this building command a wonderful view of the river and the forest, and I hope that one day the latter will become our new construction site.
Malyshev. Let us not rush on, mister Karabasov. The city administration has not given its consent to the building up in this forest plot.
Karabasov. Yes, I understand this, mister Mayor.
Malyshev. Trees are the lungs of our city. I don’t intend to lay down environment and citizens’ health at stake for the sake of building of another shopping mall.
Karabasov. All in its proper time, ladies and gentlemen. Maybe we will manage to find a compromise solution one day.
Khorkov. Well then, ladies and gentlemen, I would like you to follow me.
Everyone follows Khorkov to the entrance of the apartment block.
Nyuta. Dad, may I take a walk here?
Malyshev. Alright. Just don’t leave the yard.
Nyuta. Come back soon.
All the adults enter the building. Nyuta is left alone. Yumi comes out of hiding.
Nyuta. Hey, doggo.
Yumi (to himself.) Stop! Danger. A human.
Nyuta. Don’t be afraid, little one. Come here.
Yumi (to himself.) Right, a likely story. Suppose you bite me?
Nyuta. Here you are, take it.
Yumi. Woof!
Nyuta. A goodie.
Yumi. (to himself.) What is a goodie? It smells so nice.
Nyuta. So?
Yumi. Woof!
Nyuta. Don’t be afraid.
Yumi (to himself.) Stop! The third rule: never trust people.
Nyuta. Mmm… so tasty.
Yumi. Woof!
Nyuta. Here, take it.
Yumi (to himself.) If you are treated to something tasty, it’s a trap! Mmm, this smell.
Nyuta. Take it!
Yumi (to himself.) I will just try a tiny bit.
Yumi comes to Nyuta and takes a biscuit out of her hands.
Nyuta. Well done.
Yumi. Woof!
Nyuta. Whose are you?
Yumi. Woof!
Nyuta. Take one more.
Yumi gulps down everything Nyuta gave him.
Nyuta. You are so hungry. What is your name?
Yumi. Woof! (He fawns upon Nyuta.)
Nyuta. It tickles, you silly. I have nothing left.
Yumi. Woof!
Nyuta and Yumi are playing together. Malyshev, Karabasov, Khorkov and other adults go out of the apartment block.
Malyshev. Nyuta! Look out. This dog can bite you.
Nyuta. Dad! It is a puppy. He is so funny.
Yumi. Woof!
Malyshev. Move away from him.
Yumi. Woof!
Nyuta. Dad. Don’t frighten him. He’s nice.
Reporter. That’s some nuisance, mister Mayor. We informed the district administration about the pack of stray dogs, which had made this wasteland their home, many times.
Malyshev. We’ll take care of it, ladies and gentlemen.
Malyshev. Mister Karabasov, how can you explain it?
Karabasov. We will put everything right, mister Mayor! Khorkov, deal with it.
Khorkov. Hey, get out of here!
Khorkov keeps the puppy off. Yumi runs to the wasteland and observes the people through the fence.
Malyshev. Dear journalists! The matter of cleaning the city from stray animals is under my personal control.
Karabasov. Yes, yes! Animal control service will solve this problem in no time.
Nyuta. Why poor animals should be caught and caged in?
Malyshev. Stray animals are dangerous for people, darling.
Reporter. Isn’t it the mayor’s responsibility to protect citizens from this threat?
Malyshev. I agree with you. And I do everything I can to clean our city.
Yumi. Woof!
Nyuta. And who turned them into the streets? Are these animals to blame for the fact some of the townspeople got bored with them, and so they ended up on the street?
Reporter. These savage dogs and cats spread all kinds of diseases!
Nyuta. If every family in our city adopts at least one stray dog or cat, the city won’t have stray animals anymore.
Yumi. Woof!
Reporter. That’s an interesting idea. Mister Mayor, give us a lead. Take this stray dog home.
Yumi. Woof!
Nyuta. Daddy! Let’s adopt this puppy?
Malyshev. Unfortunately, it’s impossible, ladies and gentlemen. I’m afraid I’m allergic to animal hair.
Reporter (to himself). «Tis hard to credit now, though fresh is its renown.
Nyuta. Dad, please!
Malyshev. We’ll discuss it at home. Karabasov, round off with it!
Karabasov. The tour has come to an end, ladies and gentlemen. Thank you, everyone.
Everyone leaves. Yumi is left alone.
Yumi. It turns out that not all people are as bad as my mom thinks. I liked this girl. But she has sad eyes.
Toy runs across the yard and approaches Yumi.
Toy. Hi.
Yumi. Woof! It’s you again.
Toy. Don’t raise a ruckus, tiddler. Here you are, take it. (He gives a big piece of sausage to Yumi.)
Yumi. Oh wow! A sausage link!
Toy. And you are another. It’s a meat nut.
Yumi. A meat nut?
Toy. Yes.
Yumi. Are there even such nuts?
Toy. You wet head! These nuts grow in the nearest supermarket.
Yumi. What is a supermarket?
Toy. Oh well, that’s a piece of work.
Yumi. Eh?
Toy. A supermarket is a place where you can find lots of delicious food.
Yumi. My, oh my! How happy my mom will be, when I tell her about this place.
Toy. You shouldn’t do that.
Yumi. Why not?
Toy. Ah… I forgot that you are a tiny tot, mother’s boy.
Yumi. I am not a tiny tot. I am a grown-up!
Toy. If you are a grown-up, keep on the hush. You need to learn how to procure food by yourself. Here, help yourself.
Yumi. And what if you stole this sausage link… hm-mm, meat nut?
Toy. Take my word for it. I didn’t steal it. I took it specially for you.
Yumi. For me?
Toy. Yes. For saving me from that malicious dog.
Yumi. Alright then. I’ll just try a tiny bit.
Yumi quickly eats all the piece away.
Yumi. It was delicious. Thank you.
Toy. Lord was right: hunger fetches the wolf out of the woods. I played even more dewy eyed fools along.
Yumi. Eh?
Toy. I said, enjoy your meal.
Yumi. Ah.
Toy. My name is Toy.
Yumi. Nice to meet you. My name is Yumi.
Toy. Do you want me to teach you how to get food from the supermarket?
Yumi. Yes, I do. It’s not dangerous, is it?
Toy. You’ll make a good job if you are not a coward.
Yumi. I am not a coward.
Toy. Well, it means we can get along.
Yumi. What should I do to get food?
Toy. You will stand close to the backdoor in the supermarket. And watch that nobody comes in while I am inside. In the event of emergency you should warn me.
Yumi. First, I should watch that nobody comes in. Second, in the event of emergency I should warn you. That’s it!
Toy. Can you do this?
Yumi. Yes, I can.
Toy. It’s a deal. We will give a half of our loot to Lord. And then we’ll go halves with the rest.
Yumi. Who is Lord?
Toy. Lord is our boss. A leader, a chief.
Yumi. Oh wow!
Toy. So much for your wow! Lord is the most important one on the block. Do you get it?
Yumi. I do. The most important thing for me now is to get food and provide a meal for my mom.
Toy. Don’t be a chicken, Yumi. We are pulling off a job.
Yumi. Right now?
Toy. Yes. As our boss puts it, time is money. Take the sausage while it’s still fresh.
Yumi. But my mom doesn’t allow me to leave our yard.
Toy. Harping on the same string again! Mom, mom. I thought you are a cool lad. Ugh, nancy.
Yumi. I am not a nancy!
Toy. Can you imagine how happy your mom will be when you present her with a sausage?
Yumi. Mom? Will be happy? Let’s go. Right now.
Toy. Keep up with me.
Yumi and Toy leave. The titmouse comes flying. The mice leave their hole and play along.
In less than two minutes Yumi comes running into the yard. He is followed by Khorkov and Corkscrew with an animal catch pole. Yumi runs across the yard, rushes to the hole under the fence, but the Corkscrew grips hold of his hind feet. The mice come to the aid of Yumi, they pelt Corkscrew with snowballs. The titmouse takes away Khorkov’s attention. Corkscrew lets the puppy go. Yumi runs to the wasteland and hides in his dugout. The mice disappear in their hole.
Khorkov. What a scatterbrain you are, Corkscrew! Could not hold down a puppy.
Corkscrew. And you are another, Khorkov. Come on, help me. He’s somewhere near.
Khorkov and Corkscrew come to the wasteland and look for Yumi. The crow comes flying. It sits on the place where the entrance to Yumi’s hideaway is.
Crow. Caw!!! Caw!!!
Khorkov. Look! Crow. Go see what’s out there.
Crow. Here! He hid here! Caw!!!
Corkscrew. Chuck-chuck. Little doggo, where are you?
Khorkov. We will catch you anyway, pup.
The chasers approach the dugout house. The crow flies away.
Crow (on the wing). Caw!!! You will remember me, pup. You will remember me! Caw!!! Caw!!!
Khorkov. Aha! Here is his hole.
Corkscrew (he pokes the Yumi’s hideaway with his catch pole). There is someone there!
Khorkov. Step aside! I will get him.
Corkscrew. Try.
Khorkov reaches forward and pushes his arm into the dugout, trying to get the puppy.
Corkscrew. Why not to try a pole?
Khorkov. Keep out of the way!
Khorkov gets his arm reeking with blood out of the dugout with a shriek. Greta jumps out and comes for Khorkov. At this point Corkscrew gets a loop of the catcher pole on Greta’s neck and pins the dog to the ground.
Corkscrew. What a taking! Hold still, dog, or it’ll be worse.
Khorkov. Pest of a dog! It has bitten my arm through.
Greta. Yumi! Run! Hide away, son!
Yumi jumps out of the dugout and runs to the thickets of bushes.
Corkscrew. Catch! Catch him!
Khorkov runs after Yumi.
Khorkov. You, little scrounger!
Corkscrew. Come on, Khorkov, catch him!
Yumi hides in the thickets of bushes.
Khorkov. He left!
Corkscrew. Shame on you.
Khorkov comes to the home of Yumi and Greta, pushes a big stone which lies nearby and closes the entrance to the dugout with it.
Khorkov. This is for you biting me, beast. Your puppy won’t survive long here without any roof over his head.
Corkscrew. Right! He will freeze or starve to death.
Khorkov. Let’s go. Drag her into the car.
Khorkov and Corkscrew leave and take Greta with them. The titmouse flies after them. Yumi gets out of his hideaway in the bushes.
Yumi. What have I done! Why haven’t I listened to my mom and left the yard? Mom. Mommy! Where are you?
Scene 4.
Daytime. Cat burglar gang hide-out.
Lord, Melisa, Toy.
Lord. Toy!
Toy. Yes, boss.
Lord. Where is the puppy?
Toy. I could not take him here. We were attacked.
Lord. Who dared to do it?
Toy. Khorkov with his animal tormentor gang.
Lord. Khorkov?
Toy. Yes. They threw a round-up.
Melisa. They got some nerve! As if we didn’t pay them well!
Toy. It’s the mayor’s order, to clean the city of stray animals.
Lord. We had an agreement with Khorkov, not to touch our guys, take dogs only.
Toy. They took five cat burglars: Syava, Honeypot, Chick, Demian and Desman.
Lord. Cats are not meant to be caged. Melisa! Reach out to our lawyer, have him post a bail.
Melisa. I’ll get right on that.
Lord. Who else did they take in the round-up?
Toy. They caught some stray dogs and the puppy’s mother.
Lord. His mother? Greta? How about that!
Melisa. Now she won’t be able to protect her son.
Toy. They were all sent to the animal control center.
Lord. And where is the puppy? What was his name again?
Toy. The puppy’s name is Yumi. I don’t know where he is.
Lord. Then get to know. Find him! Time is money. Take the sausage while it’s still fresh.
Toy. I got you.
Lord. Go and take this black sheep of the dog family to me. Or else I will scrap you both.
Toy. I will do it, Lord. Yumi will be here soon.
Toy leaves.
Melisa. You are too tough on my son, Lord.
Lord. Melisa. When Toy grows older, he is going to be my right hand cat, my consigliere. He’d better start temper his character now. Otherwise he will be destroyed.
Melisa. Why would you need this puppy?
Lord. Yumi is my only chance to take vengeance on his father for my brother’s death.
Scene 5.
Daytime. Wasteland.
Yumi, Titmouse, little mice.
Yumi. How terrifying. Mom. It is so terrifying to be alone.
Yin. Yumi, don’t you cry.
Yang. Don’t you cry, Yumi.
Yumi. Bad people took my mom away.
Yin. They are Khorkov and Corkscrew. From the animal tormentor gang.
Yang. I recognized them at once as well.
Yumi. Where are you, mommy?
The titmouse comes flying.
Titmouse. They took your mother to the animal control center.
Yin. My, my!
Yang. Yes, Greta got the short straw.
Titmouse. It’s a spine-chilling place. No one has ever returned from there alive.
Yin. Stop scaring him.
Yumi. It’s my fault.
Yang. There is no telling, Yumi.
Yumi. I didn’t obey my mom. I left the yard and we got into trouble.
Titmouse. When it’s done, it’s done.
Yumi. What am I supposed to do? Where am I supposed to go?
Titmouse. Crying will not mend matters.
Yang. We better do something! Here, help me.
The little mice, Titmouse and Yumi bring all their weight to bear on the stone, try to budge it and clear the entrance to Yumi’s home.
Yin. Oh.
Yang. It’s heavy.
Titmouse. We will never be able to budge it.
Yumi. I have no home any longer. And I have no mother.
Titmouse. Stop crying.
Yang. We can’t give up for nothing!
Yin. We will work it out somehow, Yumi.
Yang. I have an idea!
Titmouse. Go ahead, little mouse.
Yang. We should tunnel our way.
Yin. Tunnel our way! That is a great idea.
Yumi. What is a tunnel?
Yang. Let me show you.
Yang digs up the ground under the stone, Yin helps him, and then Yumi joins them too.
Yumi. It’s no go.
Yin. Yes, what an upset.
Titmouse. The reason is that the ground is all frozen and hard in winter.
Yumi. What are we supposed to do now?
Toy comes in, the little mice run a safe distance off, the titmouse flies to the thickets of bushes. Toy steps up to Yumi.
Yumi. So… They took my mom. I was left alone on the street.
Toy. You are not alone, Yumi. You have friends.
Yumi. Friends?
Toy (to the little mice). Hey, tadpoles! Come here.
The little mice come a little bit closer.
Yumi. Yin, Yang, don’t be afraid. It’s Toy. He knows where meat nuts grow.
The mice come even closer. The titmouse flies up to them.
Toy. Don’t be afraid. A soldier will never hurt a child.
Yang. What kind of soldier are you? You are a cat burglar.
Yin. You steal food from supermarkets for Lord.
Yumi. Ah, now I see! So you wanted to teach me how to steal too?
Toy. Cards on the table. Yes, been there, done that. Guilty.
Toy. I planned to rob the supermarket and then shift all the blame on you, Yumi.
Yin. I called it. Such a rascal.
Toy. Though I mend my ways.
Titmouse. A leopard cannot change its spots. Don’t you get mixed up with him, Yumi! He has some bad genetics.
Yang. Now get out of here! We are not afraid of you.
Yin. Yes, Yumi! Kick him away. You are stronger.
Yumi. I thought you were my friend, but you… Grrr!!!
Yumi and the little mice move up to the kitten.
Toy. Take it easy, dear members of the jury. Play it cool. I know how to let your mother free!
Yumi. What have you just said?
Toy. I know how to let your mother free.
Yumi. Go ahead.
Toy. You mom was taken by the animal tormentors from Khorkov’s band, wasn’t she?
Yumi. She was.
Toy. She is in the animal control center now, right?
Yumi. Yes. Aunt Titmouse saw them taking her there.
Titmouse. Yes! I saw it with my own eyes! A dreadful place. No one has ever gone there and came back alive.
Toy. Stop cawing, crow.
Titmouse. I am a titmouse, not a crow.
Toy. I’ve noticed that. Crows are much smarter.
Titmouse. What a bounder! What do you think you are?!
Toy. A slingshot groans for you, scandalmonger.
Yumi. Stop fighting!
Yin. Toy, go on with your story.
Yang. Yes, Toy, go on. How can we save Greta?
Toy. I worked in with the cat burglar gang. What else was I supposed to do? I am an orphan. I had to survive on the street.
Yang. We know it already, what’s next?
Yin. Let him finish, don’t interrupt.
Toy. I can break into the cage where they put your mom.
Yumi. Will you really manage to do it?
Toy. You bet!
Titmouse. Look at him throwing dust in our eyes, whiskered rascal. It’s easy to tell stories.
Toy. My father was the best safebreaker in this city. He taught me everything. But then my father died…
Yumi. It means you are really an orphan?
Toy. Yes. But one day I will take vengeance for him.
Yin. How can we find this animal control center?
Yang. It is probably far from here.
Toy. I know the way there and I will help Yumi get into the building.
Yumi. And what’s next?
Toy. The rest is paperwork. We will find your mom. I will open the lock and we will escape from here together.
Yumi. I am scared.
Yang. That sounds great!
Yin. Well done, Toy. That’s some good thinking.
Titmouse. Ah, I don’t believe his cock-and-bull stories. I don’t believe them!
Toy. Instead of picking at me, Titmouse, help us! Does the puppy trust you?
Titmouse. He does.
Toy. Let Yumi believe me. Do a good deed. Please.
Titmouse. Well, I don’t know…
Toy. Titmouse, your neighbors ran into trouble!
Titmouse. I get it.
Toy. It’s a life-or-death issue.
Titmouse. But can we really trust you, Toy?
Toy. I can save them. Which part of it don’t you understand?
Titmouse. He may be right, guys.
Yumi. You think so?
Titmouse. It’s clear that this kitten is a sharp lad.
Toy. Here you go. That’s what I’m talking about!
Yang. What do we need to do, Toy? Tell us. We want Greta to come back home too.
Yin. Yes, Toy, teach us what to do.
Toy. Take it easy, my friends. We are on track. Trust me.
Yumi. I am still scared. But now I’ve embraced hope to see my mom again and to save her.
Toy. Let’s get to it then. Titmouse! Can I commit a highly sensitive task to you?
Titmouse. I am ready.
Toy. Fly to the animal control center and test the waters. Wait for us there till evening. As soon as it gets dark, we will enter from the back door. Everything’s clear?
Titmouse. Yes, I’ll be waiting for you there.
Toy. Fly then and be careful.
Titmouse. See you later, my friends.
Titmouse flies away.
Toy. Little mice, now there is a task for you. Listen to me carefully.
Yang. We are waiting for further instructions, boss.
Yin. What do we need to do, Toy?
The crow flies in unbeknownst to them and hides itself in the yard of the apartment block.
Toy. In order to leave the yard without being seen, we should split up. Go ahead. Wait for us near the supermarket. In the event of emergency send out a signal. Everything’s clear?
Yang. Everything is clear, boss!
Toy. Boss? Well, I like it. Boss! My dad would be proud of me.
Yin. We can make a good team.
Toy. Go now.
Yumi. See you!
The little mice cut the yard across and whip out of sight.
Toy. Are you ready, Yumi?
Yumi. Yes, I am ready. Give me a couple of minutes. My mom hid a spongy bone for me in the gully, for a rainy day. I will take it along, it will bring us good luck.
Yumi goes off to the bushes. As soon as he drops out of sight, the crow flies up to Toy.
Crow. Lord gave me the order to watch you.
Toy. These fools believe that I will take them to Greta.
Crow. They will be surprised when they get to your gang hide-out.
Toy. Tell the boss that I will fulfill his order.
Crow. Got it.
Toy. Soon I will take vengeance for my father’s death. I will flush out the police dog named Thunder from his hole. Wherever he is now.
Crow. Anything else?
Toy. Tell Melisa that she can be proud of me. Her son will bring two fat and juicy mice for dinner.
The crow flies away. Yumi comes back.
Yumi. Here, I’ve brought it.
Toy. Follow me.
Yumi and Toy turn to leave, but Pirate suddenly blocks their way. Toy jumps on the fence, Yumi stays put.
Pirate. Grrr… Riff-raff. You are here again.
Yumi. We are not riff-raff. My name is Yumi. This is my friend Toy. Let us go, Pirate.
Pirate. You think your mother will come to your help again, don’t you?
Yumi. My mom isn’t here. Some people from the animal tormentor gang took her.
Pirate. Took her? Who?
Toy. Khorkov and Corkscrew.
Pirate. Things turned ugly. These people won’t just let her free.
Yumi. We are going to the animal control center to rescue my mom.
Pirate. What are you meddling in? You are mad! They will eat you for breakfast.
Yumi. So be it. It is better than staying here and doing nothing.
Pirate. Miracles just don’t happen. You can’t save Greta.
Yumi. Christmas Eve is the time when dreams come true. You should just wish for something with your whole heart, believe in your success and keep moving towards your desirable goal.
Pirate. Muck for mugs. Life is much more complicated than that.
Yumi. I made a wish this morning to get a new home for me and my mom. And to meet my father.
Pirate. And? Did it work?
Yumi. Not really. I did not expect this new home to be a dog prison.
Pirate. I like to live on the street though. I am my own master here.
Yumi. Pirate, please, let us go.
Pirate. Hold it right there!
Yumi. I’m holding on.
Pirate. What a partner you’ve chosen. As crooked as a corkscrew.
Toy. Fffhhh…
Yumi. Toy is my friend.
Pirate. Cats are just like humans, they can betray you at any moment.
Yumi. I believe that Toy won’t betray me.
Pirate. It is your choice. However, this belief will hardly help you save Greta.
Yumi. I will take a chance. Let us go!
Pirate. You will cook your own goose, pup.
Yumi. This morning I found out that my father was a real hero.
Pirate. A hero? Ha-ha-ha!
Yumi. And I wanted to become as strong and brave as he was. But I understand now that my father abandoned us. And betrayed us at the moment when he was needed the most.
Maybe I won’t be able to save my mom and will die. But I know for sure that now I don’t want to be like my father. I will never leave my mom in dire straits and I will never betray her. Get out of my way!
Pirate. Grrr… The character was obviously passed down to you from your mother, wasn’t it?
Yumi. Let us go!
Pirate. Have the kitten go. And you better stay here, at the wasteland. I will help you survive.
Yumi. Time’s ticking away! Kill me or get out of my way, Pirate! I have nothing more to lose.
Pirate. Look at you, you are nuts, lad.
Pirate. Get out of here. Before I change my mind.
Pirate let Yumi and Toy go. The puppy and the kitten turn to go away.
Pirate. Hold on! Yumi. Wait.
Yumi. What?
Pirate. The animal control center is located onsite the former special fleet depot. Here. (He draws it in the snow.) Two gangs dominate the road thereto. These are the animal tormentor gang and the cat burglar gang.
In order to evade their checkpoints, go along the river till you get to a ruined tower. Then — half a kilometer up north along the railway lines.
When it gets dark, enter the center premises through the hole in the fence, to the right of the security booth. Then just play it by ear.
I hope that your whiskered friend won’t bring you over to a trap. You watch yourself, Yumi. You will do just fine.
Yumi. Thank you, Pirate. My mom was wrong calling you a fool.
Pirate. Grrr…
Yumi and Toy leave.
Scene 6.
Evening shades. Cat burglar gang hide-out.
Yumi and the mice got caged. Lord, Melisa, Toy and other gang members enjoy their triumph.
Lord. Toy!
Toy. Yes, Lord.
Lord. You did a great job.
Toy. When you catch our enemy, this police dog called Thunder, will you let Yumi go? That was our agreement.
Lord. You are still young and too naive, Toy.
Toy. What do you mean?
Lord. Nobody knows where Thunder is now. This sneaky rascal crept into a deep hole and doesn’t show up. I know in bones that Thunder is alive and keeps a close watch on us.
Toy. Then what will happen to Yumi when you get to his father?
Lord. Much to my regret, I won’t be able to hunt Thunder down. But I will take vengeance on him for my brother’s death anyway.
Toy. You promised to let Yumi go! Our wrangles have nothing to do with the puppy.
Lord. Yumi will die tomorrow morning. Thunder is going to find out about that. I’m done.
All the gang members leave, the prisoners are left in the cage.
Scene 7.
Evening. Cat burglar gang hide-out.
Yumi, Yin and Yang are caged.
Yumi. This is the end.
Yang. Be stronger. Be stronger. Be stronger!
Yumi. Stronger? It was me who got you into this trap. And let my mom down.
Yin. Success is a measure of decisions we make. I don’t regret going with you, Yumi. We have to believe.
Yang. Do not succumb to panic. Now lay to!
Yang tries to break the cage door, Yin and Yumi help him, but the door does not respond. Toy comes in.
Yin. Traitor.
Yang. Blatant liar!
Yumi. Toy, how could you?
Toy. Have you finished?
Yin. We have nothing to say to you.
Toy forces the lock; the cage door opens.
Toy. I was wrong. Give me a chance to make it right.
Yumi and the mice don’t move.
Toy. Come along! Hurry up. I will take you out of here.
Toy. What’s wrong? We need to make haste!
Yumi. We don’t believe you.
Toy. Time is lacking for thinking. Lord will soon notice that I left. This is our last chance.
Yang. Come along! We won’t be any worse off.
Yang leaves the cage first, he is followed by Yin, and the last one to go out is Yumi.
Toy. Follow me. I will get you out of here and help you save your mom.
They all head for the door, and suddenly Melisa comes out of the darkness, claws the mice and blocks the way.
Melisa. Is my dinner going for a walk? Don’t you move, or I will choke the life out of you. (She protracts her claws, the mice squeak with pain.)
Toy. Mom, let us through.
Melisa. Do you really think that I will let you sign your own death warrant?
Toy. Yes.
Melisa. Lord will kill you, Toy.
Toy. Lord lied to me and he broke his promise to spare Yumi’s life.
Melisa. Lord is your boss. His orders are beyond questions.
Toy. My father was a real boss! Whereas Lord is just a travesty of his elder brother.
Melisa. I have no choice, Toy. Lord is stronger than we are.
Toy. There is always a choice. Let us go.
Melisa. Toy, I forbid you to do it.
Toy. Yumi’s mother is in grave danger. I am the only one who can help them let her free.
Melisa. Dogs are our enemies.
Toy. Enemies? And who are we? After my father’s death we just turned into a gang of malevolent thieves, and everyone is for himself. We are our own enemies!
Melisa. I have always dreamt of you following a different route. That you would stop both being a thief and living on the street.
Toy. So give a chance to change our life, mom. Let me go.
Melisa. You are just like your father now. Go and never come back.
Toy. Thank you, mom. Yumi, let’s go!
Toy and Yumi head for the door.
Yumi. What about our friends, Yin and Yang?
Melisa. Nobody has canceled my dinner yet. The mice will stay here.
Yin. Yumi, help us.
Yang. Please, Yumi, help us out!
Toy. Yumi, don’t argue. We have to go rescue your mom.
Yumi. That will never do.
Toy. What’s your point?
Yumi. Yin and Yang got into the trap because they wanted to help save my mom Greta.
Toy. It was their choice.
Yumi. Yes, you are right. The odds are against us.
Toy. Yin and Yang are our free pass to being set free.
Melisa. That’s a good point, son. (She plays with the mice.)
Yumi (to Toy). I thought you are a real boss.
Toy. What?
Yumi. Did your father always betray his friends and leave them to their fate too?
Toy. My father never was a traitor! He died saving the Lord’s skin!
Yumi. Die but save a friend. This is what a real leader would do.
Toy. I think I know what you mean. Melisa, I am sorry. You won’t get any dinner today.
Melisa. Are you insane?
Toy. Mom, listen to me.
Melisa. What?
Toy. You just said: I wish my son quitted stealing and get off the street.
Melisa. Yes, that’s right.
Toy. Tell me, what can I become working with the cat burglar band?
Melisa. The gang leader.
Toy. Is it what you want me to be?
Melisa. No, Toy, it isn’t. I don’t want you to be a thief.
Toy. I have never had any friends. Just my father.
Melisa. You can’t bring your father back.
Toy. On the other hand, I, your son, can change our life. First of all, I should stop keeping the company of thieves and try to make friends with good guys.
Melisa. I think you should.
Toy. I want to find my peace of mind. Yumi, Yin and Yang can become my friends. I will help them get out and save Greta. We have no time left. It’s now or never!
Melisa (frees the mice). Go to the northern gates. I will tell Lord that I saw you going south, it will help you buy some time.
Yumi. Melisa, Toy is a born leader. And my real friend.
Toy. Thank you, mom.
Melisa. Take this lucky gold coin. (She gives it to Toy.) You will do great, son. I believe in you.
Yumi, Toy and the mice leave. Melisa is left alone.
Scene 8.
Late in the evening. Premises of the animal control center.
Yumi, Toy, Yin, Yang, Titmouse.
Titmouse. Where have you been?
Yumi. It’s a long story.
Toy. How is the situation?
Titmouse. After the round-up they brought a lot of stray animals here. Lord’s lawyer posted a bail for the cat burglars and they were set free.
Yin. Such a rascal!
Yang. They are the real Mafia.
Yumi. Where is my mom?
Titmouse. Greta is in the basement with others. Poor dogs are caged in the dog prison.
Toy. What do the tormentors plan to do?
Titmouse. I’ve heard a conversation: tonight they will put down all the caught animals with some lethal fluid.
Toy. We need to make haste!
Titmouse. Be careful. I’ve seen a grown dog on the center premises. He is clearly not a member of the animal tormentor gang and was snooping around.
Yin. He may be another poor fellow who is trying to find his family.
Toy. It doesn’t matter. Titmouse, you stay here, maintain outdoor surveillance. We are going inside.
The titmouse flies away, the rest of the group enter the animal control center. They walk along. At the end of a passageway they see a shadow of a big dog moving towards them.
Toy. Run! Yumi, hurry up!
They run along the center passages and find the entrance to the basement.
Toy. The entrance to the basement is here. Let’s split up. Mice, go through the ventilation system to scout out the situation. We are going down.
The mice go through the ventilation system. Yumi and Toy go down.
Toy. Why are you shaking? Are you cold?
Yumi. I am afraid of the dark.
Toy. Why haven’t you told me before?
Yumi. I’ll be fine.
Toy. If we go together, the tormentors will lamp us at once. See, that would be a strange scene: a cat burglar and a police dog’s son went for a walk together. (They laugh.)
Yumi. What are we supposed to do now?
Toy. You will cover the rear. This outer door is our only escape route. Watch over it. Warn me in the event of emergency.
Yumi. And you?
Toy. I will go further, to the dog prison. The entrance is right here.
Yumi. I get it. Watch over the escape route, warn in the event of emergency.
Toy. I nearly forgot. Give me your spongy bone.
Yumi. Here, take it. (He gives the spongy bone to the kitten.)
Toy. I will give it to the jail-keeper rat, otherwise he will raise alarm.
Yumi. Told you, this bone would bring us good luck.
Toy. Yumi, I meant to tell you…
Yumi. What did you mean to tell me, Toy?
Toy. Thank you for saying a good word for me in front of Melisa and for calling me your friend.
Yumi. You are my friend. My best friend.
Toy. I’ve learnt a great deal from you today. It never occurred to me that dogs can be true friends.
Yumi. Seek and you will find. That is what my mom says.
Toy. And what did you say there when we met Pirate?
Yumi. Christmas Eve is the time when dreams come true.
Toy. You should wish for something with your whole heart, believe in your success and keep moving towards your desirable goal.
Yumi. That’s right, Toy. Come on! Everything is going to be alright.
Toy bust opens the lock and opens the inside door of the basement which opens into the dog prison. He leaves. Yumi is left alone.
Yumi. Alright. I have to look around. I am not afraid of the dark. I am brave. I am not afraid of the dark.
Yumi hears some noise in the dark corner, he jumps up to the side and hides himself in a heap of rubbish. Silence. Yumi leaves his hideout.
Yumi. Maybe, it’s just my ears playing tricks on me.
Again there was some noise there in the darkness. Yumi squats down.
Yumi. And what if it is a horrible beast? It is lying snug in the darkness and wants to devour me. I have to run.
Yumi runs towards the exit and then stops short.
Yumi. And what about Toy? I promised him to cover the rear. I have to warn him and my mom if there’s an emergency.
Yumi goes back.
Yumi. A friend in need is a friend indeed. I will not betray Toy and will save my mom. Hey, who’s hiding there in the darkness? Come on out! I am not afraid of you. Grrr…
There was someone’s distinct growl in reply, then Yumi heard some movement, as if a real monster was breaking free from a cage.
Yumi. Is it all you got, you scary monster? Grrr…
Yumi jumps off and falls upon the monster. The attack is successful. Yumi bumps up against a big cage. There is a girl sitting in the cage. Yumi spotted this girl as his new acquaintance, who treated him to biscuits, by her smell.
Yumi. It’s a small world. What are you doing here?
Nyuta looks at Yumi in silence.
Scene 9.
The same decoration.
Yumi stands in front of the cage where Nyuta is locked.
Yumi. Is this you?
Nyuta. Yes, it’s me.
Yumi. Why did you growl?
Nyuta. Best defence is offence. I wanted to scare you.
Yumi. Then you succeeded. How did you get here?
Nyuta. I must be hallucinating. Dogs can’t speak.
Yumi. What do you mean they can’t speak?
Nyuta. Right. I’m going mad.
Yumi. It’s me, Yumi. We played together in our yard this morning. You treated me to some goodie.
Nyuta. Those were crunchy biscuits. Go away, ghost. I have no intention to lose my mind. Dogs can only bark.
Yumi. Woof! Woof!
The outer door opens slightly, a big dog pokes his head through the door opening, and his breath meets the ears. Yumi hides himself. The door closes again.
Nyuta. Hush! You will wake the guards up this way.
Yumi. I’m sorry.
Nyuta. There is also some huge dog wandering about here. He is looking for somebody.
Yumi leaves his hideout.
Yumi. My name is Yumi.
Nyuta. I am Nyuta. Granting for a moment that dogs can really speak and I am not getting mad.
Yumi. All the animals can speak, it’s just that not all the people can understand our language. What are you doing here?
Nyuta. Some masked thugs kidnapped me, brought me here and caged me up.
Yumi. But why?
Nyuta. One of them is called Corkscrew. I heard this name when they were taking me here.
Yumi. Corkscrew? He is my bitter enemy!
Nyuta. Oh really?
Yumi. Corkscrew and Khorkov caught my mom today.
Nyuta. But why would they do this?
Yumi. This is an animal tormentor gang. They rounded up stray animals in order to put them down with some deadly liquid.
Nyuta. It’s terrible.
Yumi. It was the mayor’s order, to rid the streets of stray animals.
Nyuta. The mayor’s order? No, it can’t be true.
Yumi. Then tell me, why is my mom in the dog prison now?
Nyuta. My father could not do that. There must be some mistake.
Yumi. I came here with my friends to save my mom. But first I need to let you out.
Nyuta. The latch is closed outside the cage’s door, I can not reach it from here. Try to open the latch.
Yumi tries to open it but fails.
Nyuta. No, I can’t.
Yumi. Pull the door. Alright. Harder.
Nyuta pulls the cage door, Yumi pushes the latch, and finally the door opens.
Yumi. Yes!
Nyuta. Good job. Thank you.
Yumi. Now go. Hereto, upstairs. Go through the building and find the door with a «fire exit» sign. It opens to the outside. There is a hole in the fence to the left from the security booth. Get out and run to the police station, they will help you.
Nyuta. Yumi, and you? What about your friends? And your mom?
Yumi. Your life is much more important than the lives of a bunch of stray animals.
Nyuta. You are mistaken, Yumi.
Yumi. Oh, really?
Nyuta. Everyone has the right to live, even if they were born on the street or dwell in the gateway. My mom taught me this. She died but I remember her words very well.
Yumi. What are we supposed to do now?
Nyuta. I will go with you and help you all.
Yumi. We could use a friend’s help.
The inner basement door opens, the mice come in. Toy and Greta follow them.
Yumi. Mom! Mommy.
Greta. Hello, my little boy.
Toy. Be quiet, Yumi. The rescue operation is going on. Who is this?
Yumi. This is Nyuta. She was kidnapped. Now she is with us.
Toy. Let’s go away.
The team heads for the door. They hear a voice from the other corner of the room.
Crow. Stop! Help me! I am here, in a cage.
They all step up to the cage where the crow is locked.
Yang. Aha! That’s done you.
Yin. It serves you right.
Crow. Let me out, please.
Yang. Yumi! It was she who showed Khorkov and Corkscrew where your home was.
Yin. Yes, Greta was caught because of her.
Yumi. I know what she has done.
Toy. Mice, go outside and test the waters. We will join you soon.
The mice leave.
Toy. Crow is a Lord’s spy, she has to be punished.
Crow. I couldn’t follow everything. Lord gave me up to the tormentors when he found out that you all had escaped.
Toy. You shall remember us all your life, you loud-mouth.
Crow. I don’t want to die. Please help me.
Toy. Yumi, let’s go.
Greta. If we leave her caged, she will die.
Toy. Lord does not spare anyone.
Greta. We need to be able to forgive and show mercy.
Yumi. We are no tormentors. Let the crow out, Toy.
Toy. Are you sure you don’t want to have revenge on her?
Yumi. Open the cage, Toy.
Toy. It’s up to you.
Toy opens the cage, the crow gets out.
Crow. Thank you, Yumi. Nobody loves me. I was betrayed by everyone.
Yumi. Be kind to others and they will be kind to you in return.
Toy. Let’s leave!
They all head for the door. At this moment the inner basement door opens. The jail-keeper rat comes in.
Rat. Stop, stop, stop. This wasn’t the agreement, Toy.
Toy. What are you talking about, jail-keeper?
Rat. You said that you were going to open only one cage and only one prisoner would leave. The crow and the girl will stay here!
Toy. I gave you the spongy bone.
Rat. One prisoner, one spongy bone. That was the agreement.
Nyuta. Let us go.
Rat. I am bound to raise alarm.
Yumi. Show some conscience!
Rat. I’m calling security.
Toy. Stop. Wait.
Rat. Are you willing to pay?
Toy. Here. This is all I have. (He gives his gold coin to the jail-keeper.)
Rat. What is it? (He bites the coin.)
Toy. It is my lucky gold coin.
Rat. It’s a pleasure to deal with you, ladies and gentlemen. You can go. (He leaves.)
Toy. The way is free, my friends. Follow me.
Right at the moment when they all are going outside, the outer door opens and major Suvorov enters the basement holding a gun.
Suvorov. Police! Stop right there.
Scene 10.
Late in the evening. Animal control center.
Karabasov, Khorkov, Malyshev.
Karabasov. I suppose, mister Mayor, you have received my message.
Malyshev. I’ve signed all the papers. The building site is yours.
Karabasov. I don’t want you to peg me as an enemy. I offer you cooperation.
Malyshev. Bring my daughter back to me.
Karabasov. I hope you learnt your lesson.
Malyshev. Why have you rounded up stray animals?
Karabasov. It was Khorkov’s call. He suggested to kill them humanely.
Khorkov. Tonight we are going to clean our district of these rogues!
Malyshev. Karabasov. If you want to keep running your business in this city, I insist that you don’t put these animals down. We will the means to deal with them without having to kill.
Karabasov. If you really agree to cooperate, I’ll meet you halfway and keep these stray beasts alive.
Malyshev. It is as good as a deal. Where is my daughter?
The door opens, the major and Greta rush in. Th major takes aim at Karabasov. Greta cuts off Khorkov’s escape.
Suvorov. Police! Put your hands behind your head, you are under arrest.
Karabasov. What a stunt.
Suvorov. Hold it right there, Karabasov.
Khorkov. Easy, doggy, easy. Avoid abrupt movements.
Greta. Grrr…
Nyuta, Yumi and Toy come in.
Nyuta. Dad!
Malyshev. Nyuta, sweetheart.
Suvorov. I will call for backup.
Corkscrew springs up behind Suvorov’s back and strikes him over the head with a bludgeon. The policeman falls unconscious. Corkscrew takes his gun. Khorkov quickly brings out his pistol and aims at Yumi.
Khorkov (to Greta). Don’t you move, you dirty dog, or I will blow your son’s head off.
Greta steps back, trying to shield Yumi with her body.
Karabasov. Are there any other policemen?
Corkscrew. He came here alone.
Karabasov. Well, well. Who do we have here? An unwanted witness. Mister Mayor, have I told you yet, what would happen if you go to the police?
Suvorov regains consciousness, keeps lying and moans with pain.
Malyshev. He is my cousin. He is local police officer in a village. Let us go, Karabasov.
Karabasov. Bad luck, Mayor. We don’t need witnesses.
Malyshev. You’ve got everything you want.
Khorkov. We have to change our plan, boss.
Karabasov. We have crossed the Rubicon, Khorkov. This city needs a new mayor.
Khorkov. Corkscrew!
Corkscrew cocks the gun and aims at Malyshev. At this very moment the crow flies into the open door, pecks Corkscrew at his head. Pirate runs into the room right after her, sinks his teeth into Corkscrew’s arm and knocks him on the floor. Khorkov manages to shoot Pirate. Greta falls upon Khorkov and neutralize him. Yumi and Toy come down upon Karabasov, Malyshev strikes him down to the floor with a punch.
Malyshev. It’s a judgement on you for my daughter, you villain.
Suvorov stands up, ties Corkscrew up, then puts the handcuffs on Khorkov and Karabasov. Pirate lies on the floor, he is wounded. The mice run in, the titmouse comes flying.
Yin. We activated the security alarm, the police will be here soon.
Yang. It was my idea!
Titmouse. You both did a great job. Greta, I am so glad to see you and Yumi.
Greta. Thank you for your help, neighbor.
Malyshev. Nyuta, are you all right?
Nyuta. I’m fine. Whose dog is this?
Yumi. This is Pirate. How did he get here?
Malyshev. Pirate saved our lives.
Major walks up to Pirate and examines him.
Suvorov. How can it be Pirate? It is Thunder, a police dog. Here is the name on his collar.
Corkscrew. Thunder again? I shot him with my gun.
Khorkov. I hope he will finally kick the bucket.
Yumi. Mom! Is Pirate really the police dog called Thunder?
Greta. Yes, Yumi. Pirate is Thunder. He is your father.
Titmouse. Finally she told her son the truth.
Yumi runs up to his father.
Yumi. Pirate! Why haven’t you told me that you are my father? Thank you for helping us.
Thunder. My son. I would never leave you and Greta out in the cold.
Thunder tries to get on his feet, but tumbles down lopsidedly. Nyuta and Yumi help him get comfortable.
Nyuta. Call the ambulance. Thunder is wounded.
Yumi. Dad. You are my hero.
Suvorov. Don’t die on us, Thunder! Do you want me to adopt you and take to the village with me?
Thunder. It’s a deal, major. I have always dreamed of retirement in the open air.
Suvorov. Hello, veterinary ambulance service? Major Suvorov. It’s urgent! A gun shot wound. A police dog is wounded. Write down the address…
Nyuta. Dad! It’s Yumi. And these are his mother Greta and kitten Toy. They rescued me.
Malyshev. I think I’m making sense of your mother’s words: dogs are the only angels left Earthside with humans.
Yumi. Woof!
Malyshev. I see you’ve already made friends!
Nyuta. My new friends don’t have a home. May they live with us?
Malyshev. What counts most is that you are happy. They can live in our house, there’s room for everyone.
Nyuta. Yippee!
Malyshev. I hope I will never be allergic to animals.
Nyuta. What will happen to the cats and dogs who are locked in the basement?
Malyshev. We will set them free. I will sign the order on allocating funds on conversion of this building into the Animal Protection Center. You have my word.
Nyuta. You are the greatest dad in the world. (She hugs him.)
The wall clock strikes midnight.
Suvorov. Christmas is here.
Malyshev. Happy Holiday everyone!
Nyuta embraces Yumi, goes round and round with him in her hands and laughs.
Nyuta. I am so happy.
Yumi. Dreams come true. You should wish for something with your whole heart, believe in your success and keep moving towards your desirable goal. Merry Christmas!