В своей книге «Почему не состоялся коммунизм?» автор, философ от МГУ, возвращает читателя к научным ценностям марксизма и вносит в них свой посильный вклад. На основе научного понимания человека, установления его основного противоречия он приходит к открытию новой движущей силы общественного развития и видит в ней спасителя не только России, но и всего человечества. Книга рассчитана на широкий круг читателей. In his book «Why has the communism still not turned out?» the author, a philosopher from Moscow State University, appeals to the scientific values of Marxism and makes his contribution to them. Based on the scientific understanding of man, the establishment of his main contradiction, he comes to the discovery of a new driving force of social development and sees it as the Savior not only of Russia, but of all mankind. The book is intended for a wide range of readers.
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Почему не состоялся коммунизм? (Кто виноват? Что делать? Куда идти?) / Why has the communism still not turned out? (Who is guilty? What should be done? Where to go?)» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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© Mark Boykov, 2020
© International Union of writers, 2020
Boykov Mark Vasliyevich
Mark Boykov was born on September 12, 1938. During the war he was raised in the orphanage of the village Pistsovo of Komsomolsky district, Ivanovo region. Mark Boykov started his studies in Ivanovo in 1947. He was taken to the family of his father, who was a disabled war veteran of the first group in vision, and his wife, a nurse, and his stepmother. In 1950 entered the Gorky Suvorov military school, which he graduated from in 1958 in connection with his transfer to Moscow, and was sent to the Odessa higher combined arms command school, from which he was discharged in 1960 for health reasons.
Received his professional education at the faculty of philosophy of the Moscow State University. M. V. Lomonosov in 1961 — 66, taking up and defending for the first time on the “Problem of partisanship in the conditions of socialism” on the Troika. Later worked as a teacher of philosophy at universities in Volgograd and Moscow.
Raised a son. Was awarded a medal for the 850th anniversary of Moscow for the excellent work as a janitor.