1. книги
  2. Стихи и поэзия
  3. Мирель


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Стихи исцеляют душу как автора, так и читателя… Между тем, они лишены какого-либо вымысла, все описанные события автобиографичны…

Автор: Мирель

Жанры и теги: Стихи и поэзия


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Is patience a useful quality?

It depends on your reality.

You should know your existences’ main goal:

It will help you not to be a weak ball.

You should be patient, active and strong,

When you raise up for your lifes’ fruitful song,

But it’s useless to suffer and hope

That the same seeds will bring another crop.

You can feed your meaningful existence.

Not everything depends on persistence:

There is also a fortune, fate,

No matter you cherish it or hate.

Everyone has his lifes’ subjective vision,

But only the Earth knows your mission,

It leads everybody along his way,

From his very first to very last day.

There is no reason to bother:

The Earth is just like our mother.

Trust her.People, signs, chances are her speach,

This is how Mums care, love, teach.

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