If the therapist did not put the most pleasant diagnosis — this is not a reason to get upset! It is much more reasonable to identify the strengths of the destructive quality and sublimate them into life at a favorable angle. That's what our hero did and organized an original, profitable and very popular business!
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Для подготовки обложки издания использована художественная работа автора. Обложка книги разработана автором в дизайнерской программе и является интеллектуальной собственностью Николая Лакутина.
Attention! All copyrights to the play are protected by the laws of Russia, international legislation, and belong to the author. Its publication and reissue, reproduction, public performance, translation into foreign languages, changes in the text of the play when staged without the written permission of the author are prohibited. Staging of the play is possible only after the conclusion of a direct contract between the author and the theater.
Comedy for three or four people in two acts.
Duration 1 hour 30 minutes.
SERGEY is a man of about 40 years, the organizer of the original business;
YANA is a girl about 30 years old, a client;
ARTEM is a guy about 30 years old, a client;
LERA is a fairly stout woman of about 40 years, Artem's wife.
Jan and Leroux can be played by one person.