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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «English Vocabulary Booster: Interesting Facts» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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Skirts are a type of clothing worn around the waist that covers the legs.
Skirts are worn by people of all ages and genders, although they are most commonly associated with women.
Skirts come in a variety of lengths, from mini skirts to maxi skirts.
Skirts can be made from a variety of materials, including cotton, silk, denim, and leather.
Skirts can be plain or patterned, and they can be decorated with a variety of embellishments, such as beads, sequins, and lace.
Skirts can be worn for a variety of occasions, from casual to formal.
Skirts have been worn for centuries, and they continue to be a popular fashion item today.
Additional interesting facts:
The first skirts were made of animal skins and were worn by both men and women.
In the Middle Ages, skirts were often worn over breeches or trousers.
In the 19th century, skirts became more elaborate and were often worn with corsets.
In the 20th century, skirts became shorter and more casual.
Today, skirts are available in a wide variety of styles to suit all tastes and occasions.
Skirt lengths:
Mini skirt: above the knee
Knee-length skirt: at the knee
Midi skirt: below the knee but above the ankle
Maxi skirt: at or below the ankle
Skirt types:
A-line skirt: a skirt that is wider at the bottom than at the waist
Circle skirt: a skirt that is cut in a circle
Pencil skirt: a narrow, straight skirt
Pleated skirt: a skirt with pleats
Ruffle skirt: a skirt with ruffles
Tiered skirt: a skirt with multiple layers of fabric
type of clothing — вид одежды
waist — талия
cover — покрывать
gender — пол
although — хотя
commonly associated — обычно ассоциируется
length — длина
cotton — хлопок
silk — шелк
denim — деним
leather — кожа
plain — однотонный
patterned — узорчатый
embellishments — украшения
beads — бусины
sequins — пайетки
lace — кружево
occasions — случаи
breeches — бриджи
became more elaborate — стали более сложными
above the knee — выше колена
above the ankle — выше щиколотки
circle skirt — юбка-солнце
narrow — узкий
pleated skirt — плиссированная юбка
ruffle skirt — юбка с рюшами
tiered skirt — многоярусная юбка
multiple layers of fabric — несколько слоев ткани
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «English Vocabulary Booster: Interesting Facts» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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