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Английский язык для флористов

Светлана Алексеевна Губарева (2021)
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Вы — практикующий флорист, который хочет выйти на международный уровень? Студент, который только начал постигать столь прекрасную сферу деятельности? Или просто человек, влюбленный в английский язык и цветы? Тогда эта книга создана для вас! В данном пособии вы познакомитесь со сферой флористики через призму английского языка. Вы сможете различать стили букетов, научитесь составлять резюме, разговаривать с иностранными клиентами и, конечно же, повторите основные грамматические конструкции, которые помогут вам как при собеседовании, так и при оглашении рекомендаций по уходу за купленными цветами.


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Unit 4 Floriography

1. Answer the questions:

What can flowers symbolize?

Which flowers represent love, hope, healing, and good luck?

What do you think “Floriography” means?

Floriography is the term used to represent the language of flowers.

2. Read the first part of the text and decide if the statements a-f are true or false:

The History of Flower Meanings

The symbolic language of flowers has been recognized for centuries in many countries throughout Europe and Asia. They even play a large role in William Shakespeare’s works. Mythologies, folklore, sonnets, and plays of the ancient Greeks, Romans, Egyptians, and Chinese are peppered with flower and plant symbolism—and for good reason. Nearly every sentiment imaginable can be expressed with flowers. The orange blossom, for instance, means purity, and loveliness, while the red chrysanthemum means “I love you.”

Flowery Language of the Victorian Era

Learning the special symbolism of flowers became a popular pastime during the 1800s. Nearly all Victorian homes had, alongside the Bible, guidebooks for deciphering the “language,” although definitions shifted depending on the source.

In the Victorian era, flowers were primarily used to deliver messages that couldn’t be spoken aloud. In a sort of silent dialogue, flowers could be used to answer “yes” or “no” questions. A “yes” answer came in the form of flowers handed over with the right hand; if the left hand was used, the answer was “no.”

Plants could also express aversive feelings, such as the “conceit” of pomegranate or the “bitterness” of aloe. Similarly, if given a rose declaring “devotion” or an apple blossom showing “preference,” one might return to the suitor a yellow carnation to express “disdain.”

How flowers were presented and in what condition were important. If the flowers were given upside down, then the idea being conveyed was the opposite of what was traditionally meant. How the ribbon was tied said something, too: Tied to the left, the flowers’ symbolism applied to the giver, whereas tied to the right, the sentiment was in reference to the recipient. And, of course, a wilted bouquet delivered an obvious message!

More examples of plants and their associated human qualities during the Victorian era include bluebells and kindness, peonies and bashfulness, rosemary and remembrance, and tulips and passion. The meanings and traditions associated with flowers have certainly changed over time, and different cultures assign varying ideas to the same species, but the fascination with “perfumed words” persists just the same.

3. Read the text once again and complete first two columns (flower and meaning in the Victorian era) in the table:

4. Think what the flowers from the text symbolize nowadays. Check your ideas and complete the third column of the table from exc. 3:

5. Write the names of flowers from the table in exc.3 under the pictures:

6. Read an abstract from the text above and match the usage of the construction in bold and examples:

7. Study the rules:


One might return to the suitor a yellow carnation to express “disdain.”(reason)

Watering plants is essential. (subject)

8. Open the brackets by choosing correct answers in the following sentences:


I love ________(to see/seeing) so many florists getting around this and sharing ideas on ways we can limit it in our work.


Lilac and the Cat avoids ________(using/to use) cellophane, floral foam, ribbons or any unnatural elements in its designs.


She needs_______(to buy/buying) a new pink ribbon today.


They also specialize in “interior greening”, which harnesses the power of plants _________(reducing/to reduce) indoor toxins.


WildFlora’s team is made up of young women with backgrounds in dance, creative _______(to write/writing) and photography.


She was happy ________(seeing/to see) how many fresh daisies there are in our shop.


This company says it’s on a mission “_________(to bring/bringing) forth geographically and environmentally inspired solutions and products that are ecologically responsible.

9. Read the second part of the text and decide which flowers you would give in concrete situations written under the text using phrases for expressing opinions:

Flower Meanings by Color

Flowers provided an incredibly nuanced form of communication. Some plants, including roses, poppies, and lilies, could express a wide range of emotions based on their color alone.

Take, for instance, all of the different meanings attributed to variously colored carnations: Pink meant “I’ll never forget you”; red said “my heart aches for you”; purple conveyed capriciousness; white was for the “the sweet and lovely”; and yellow expressed romantic rejection.

Likewise, a white violet meant “innocence,” while a purple violet said that the bouquet giver’s “thoughts were occupied with love.” A red rose was used to openly express feelings of love, while a red tulip was a confession of love. The calla lily was interpreted to mean “magnificent beauty,” and a clover said “think of me.”

Unsurprisingly, the color of the rose plays a huge role. Red roses symbolize love and desire, but roses come in a variety of colors and each has their own meaning.

White rose: purity, innocence, reverence, a new beginning, a fresh start.

Red rose: love, I love you

Deep, dark crimson rose: mourning

Pink rose: grace, happiness, gentleness

Yellow rose: jealousy, infidelity

Orange rose: desire and enthusiasm

Lavender rose: love at first sight

Coral rose: friendship, modesty, sympathy

Situation 1: A man saw a beautiful woman on the street and immediately fell in love with her. He wants to show her his feelings.

Situation 2: A girl has a boyfriend who needs to go to an army. She wants him not to forget her during the year there.

Situation 3: One old man has a tragic moment in his life and now he is on his way to the funeral. Before he get there he will buy some flowers.

Situation 4: A shop assistant saw a wonderful pretty woman who was buying some dresses. He wants to say to her that she looks amazing giving her some flowers from the nearest florist shop.


In my opinion,…

To my mind,…

As far as I am concerned,…

From my point of view,…

As for me / As to me,…

I would say that…

It seems to me that…

I think/ consider/ find/ feel/ believe/ suppose/ assume that…

10. Study the info graphics and express your opinion about people’s choice of flowers using the phrases from exc. 9. Provide examples to prove your point of view using names of flowers:

Floriography and Flower Gifting

Before you select a bouquet, pay attention to the meaning behind the type and color of blooms you select. Each of the flower is assigned with a specific meaning, which you may consider when you are giving flowers as a gift. Mix your own bouquet and have fun creating your own hidden messages! And remember, flowers can talk. When words fail you, you can still rely on the floriography to express your feelings.

Name of flowers:

The colour of a flower can evoke special meaning to its story. 29% of people choose bouquets based on their colour:

11. Answer the questions:

Do you believe in horoscopes? Why?

What is your star sign?

Why do you think some people like buying flowers according to the zodiacs?

12. Look at the Meanings of Flower Zodiac Signs and match star signs, personality adjectives and flowers:

Aries Flowers

Birth Date: MARCH 21 — APRIL 20

Birthday Flower: Honeysuckle

If you are born under the sign of the honeysuckle you are sweet to the senses of others. Meaning, you naturally entice others with your charm and grace. You have a smooth confidence that attracts a wide variety of friends and business partners. Just as bees can’t resist the lure of the honeysuckle — people can’t resist your energy. You are the first of the flower signs and so you are assertive and a natural leader of the vine. Honeysuckle people are strong and determined, weaving their way through any challenge, and are quite deft at finding innovative solutions.

Taurus Flowers

Birth Date: APRIL 21 — MAY 21

Birthday Flower: Poppy

If you are a poppy among the zodiac flower signs you love the finer things in life, and you love to share them with other people. You have a flare for design, a good eye for detail, and a knack for putting things together with style. Refinery comes natural to you, and you have a classy way about you that others find alluring. Poppy people are about pleasure: giving and receiving it. You enjoy security and comfort. Those with the flower sign of the poppy are very resilient too, and can weather any storm because of their patience and headstrong nature.

Gemini Flowers

Birth Date: MAY 22 — JUNE 21

Birthday Flower: Lavender

If you are a lavender flower sign you freckle your landscape with beautiful ideas. You love to share these ideas with other people and get more new insights as you do so. You are expansive in your expressions, and you always seem to be able to find your muse. You are amazingly productive, creative and have an active mind. Sometimes you feel pulled in too many directions, but part of the lavender’s beauty is that it spreads itself far and wide for all to enjoy.

Cancer Flowers

Birth Date: JUNE 22 — JULY 22

Birthday Flower: Acanthus & White Roses

Sensitivity is the watchword for acanthus flower signs. You are perceptive, and have high intuition in matters of the heart, and environment. You often react to others (even when they don’t speak their feelings, you still know what is going on inside their hearts), and your surroundings. You are warm and sympathetic, and a natural healer too. Acanthus zodiac flower signs are highly influenced by outside forces — especially the pull of the moon. A secure home life, surrounded by friends and family who love you and you love back often help ground you and keep you from falling prey to negative influences.

Leo Flowers

Birth Date: JULY 23 — AUGUST 22

Birthday Flower: Sunflower & Marigold

Sunflower signs are warm, open, and natural leaders. You rise to any occasion with confidence and assurance — you have no doubt that you are the perfect person for any challenge, and you know how to reach to the top. You tend to be the center of attention and others look to you for advice and mentoring. You are a loving, faithful and tenderhearted friend. You are generous and enjoy a wide range of intellectual gifts.

Virgo Flowers

Birth Date: AUGUST 24 — SEPTEMBER 22

Birthday Flower: Morning Glory & Buttercups

Morning glory zodiac flower signs are thoughtful and reflective. You tend to think and plan first before you take any action. You are organized and very observant. You have a natural eye for detail, and can be very analytical. You love to help people, and often use your organization skills to help others who struggle in"getting their act together."You bloom beautifully right where you are planted, and you have a neat way of making things right and tidy. People come to you for guidance and healing.

Libra Flowers

Birth Date: SEPTEMBER 23 — OCTOBER 23

Birthday Flower: Large Roses & Bluebells

The rose zodiac flower sign exposes the truth in all things. If you have this flower sign you have a unique ability to see the hidden meanings in things and expose the underlying evidence for what it is. You have an eye for classic beauty, and you love to surround yourself with beautiful things too. You are attracted to philosophy, poetry and art. Because you see the beauty and truth in all things, you do not tolerate injustice or cruelty. You are most happy when you are with friends and family — taking a walk and enjoying nature.

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