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  3. Терентiй Травнiкъ

Перьсики и смоквы

Терентiй Травнiкъ
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В книгу «Перьсики и Смоквы» вошли стихи из четырехтомного собрания сочинений Терентiя Травнiка «Белокнижье», изданного в 2009 году. В данную книгу включены стихи-размышления.

Автор: Терентiй Травнiкъ

Жанры и теги: Стихи и поэзия


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GG’s ballade

(translation from Ghugushatiah language)

Тo mister McBruitte from doctor Esmueus

How much sadness in autumn conceiving,

How much sorrow so secret for us

Аnd you go by the road and you’re thinking

Of life’s end, of this time that is last.

Maybe you will be lonely, so lonely

In that day when you’ll meet your decease

And you’ll not speak some

answer to someone

On the brink, on last edge of abyss

Or the death see — you’re carefull

and peaceful

With your kinsmen and children and wife,

You have time, you’ll tell

something to children,

And five minutes will mirror your life.

Or he’ll quasi by accident slaughter

Kill you with his such terrible scythe,

Last «unfi…’, it still longer will flutter

It will flutter above after this.

Maybe, lifetime will cease at your dreaming

At daybreak you can’t open your eye,

And all deeds that you

worked with diligence

Will not never begin by this time.

And whatever in your lifetime happened

You must know that your death isn’t far,

Everytime you must complete your doing,

You must stay, calmly stay where you are.

перевод Вадима Николаева

О книге

Автор: Терентiй Травнiкъ

Жанры и теги: Стихи и поэзия


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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Перьсики и смоквы» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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