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  3. Фиалка Султангирова

English Time – 1. Учебно-методическое пособие

Фиалка Султангирова
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Данное пособие содержит материал по английскому языку для занятий с учащимися 5—6 классов средних общеобразовательных школ во внеурочное время. Пособие направлено на формирование грамматических навыков употребления основных временных форм глагола и развитие коммуникативных навыков учащихся.Рецензент: Идиатуллина Л. Т. — кандидат филологических наук,доцент Казанского государственного института культуры.


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Занятия №№9—10. Описание фотографий и изображений (настоящее продолженное время)


1. I’d like to describe a picture number…

2. The picture shows us…a nice/ hot/ cold/ warm/ rainy/ summer/ winter/ spring/ autumn day.

3. The photo was taken outside/ inside.

4. The action is taking place at school/ at home/ in the supermarket/ in the park/ in the gym/ in the café/ in the city centre/ in the countryside.

5. In the picture I can see… a boy/ a girl/ a woman/ a man/ a child/ boys/ girls/ city/ monument/ house/ Big Ben/ bridge/ nature/ landscape

6. The boy/ the girl/ the woman/ the man/ the child/ boys/ girls/ city/ monument/ house/ Big Ben/ bridge/ nature/ landscape looks/ look nice/ great.

7.1. He/ She has got dark/ fair hair. He/ She has got brown/ blue/ green eyes.

7.2. The building is old and high. It is very pleasant to look at.

7.3. The landscape is beautiful. Everything is green and peaceful. The picture is very vivid.

8. He/ She is wearing a dress/ a T-shirt/ a shirt/ jeans/ a skirt/ a jacket/ trousers…

9. The boy/ the girl is reading a book/ playing a computer game/ watching TV/ cooking/ playing tennis/ playing hockey/ watching video/ flying on a plane/ playing football/ relaxing.

10. In the background there are trees/…

11. I like the picture, because it’s full of positive emotions and reminds me of school/ summer/ holidays/ my trip to London/ my granny/ my friends/ my childhood.

12. Besides I like to read/… too.


1. I’d like to describe a picture.

2. The picture shows a girl/ a boy/ a man/ a woman.

3. She/He is outside/ inside/ in the garden/ in the park/ a school/ at the café/ at the gym…

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.

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