1. книги
  2. Современная русская литература
  3. Anastasia Volnaya

Another version

Anastasia Volnaya
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The book contains selected poetic and prose works of Anastasia Volnaya. Most of the book is presented in English, several sections in Russian.A special place is occupied by aphorisms and essays.Some poetic works in Russian have been published before.


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To the artist`s pictures

To the painting by Grigory Chernetsov «Dead Sea»

Like a dream.

Like a moan.

A lioness running along the sea

Like a ghost, a moment or a bird.

And the light is silvery

Planets of unknown




2001 year

To the canvas by Carlo Dolci «Young Christ with a bouquet of flowers»

A boy in purple robes

A boy like the sun

Holding bouquet

The brightest colors —

The crown of a passing childhood

Divine fate symbol.

Christ will die young

Christ will rise up young

Christ the essence and beacon of faith,

Truth and love.

A boy in purple robes

The boy is like the sun.

2001 year


Evening as an angel sleeps on a cloud.

In guise praying to the divine Earth

Millet’s revelation came.


1998 year

To the landscape of Isaac Levitan «At the Pond»

It’s evening at the pond.

The water extinguished the mirrored suns

Like candles.

In the darkening distance, the last bird

Graduated from the song.


Flight in a dream —

A fading, melting evening.

2001 year


Dedicated to my husband Maxim Zheltov

We are a tree.

I am the roots.

You are the trunk

Going up.

I am the branches.

And believing

Into each other

We are

One world

And eternity.

And God keeps us, as long as We are I.

2001 year

To drawings by Aubrey Beardsley

Black outlines.

White shadows.

By charcoal and by chalk.

By spirit and by body.

Images are dual

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