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  2. Эзотерика / оккультизм
  3. Angel Wight

Звезды о звездах

Angel Wight
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Angel Wight — автор множества статей в журналах и газетах на астрологическую тему. Angel считает, что солнце, планеты и звезды влияют на человека больше, чем это можно предположить. Звездное небо… Нет в природе картины более величественной и прекрасной! Небо притягивает наши взоры и пробуждает тягу к исследованиям. Присоединяйтесь к русско-британскому проекту «Зодиак», присылайте свои фотографии и участвуйте в создании этого альманаха.


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Редактор Алена Алтынова

Переводчик Malcolm Kerr

Дизайнер обложки Татьяна Оленчинкова

Корректор Тамара Молчанович

Редактор Ludmila Richards

Корректор Christopher Lovatt

© Angel Wight, 2020

© Malcolm Kerr, перевод, 2020

© Татьяна Оленчинкова, дизайн обложки, 2020

ISBN 978-5-4474-8027-1

Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero

Aries: «How I wish: so be it!»

Springtime represents the beginning of the astrological circle. People born under this sign are like babies; they are naive and they believe in miracles. They are the patrons of Mars — the fiery red planet. This can create an explosive character, which at times can be unmanageable. They are like a flame, which can light up quickly and move towards its goal. Aries is a sign of action and persistence. People under this sign yearn for victory at any cost. They live in a world which is black and white and they will not tolerate lies and deceit.

They possess a character that is impossible to miss — one that is strong, brave and cheerful.

By nature they are ambitious and impulsive. They have an inherent thirst for victory, and they seek to overtake all and come first. People of this sign can be domineering. They can be selfish, often being prepared to go to extremes.

Communication with Aries can be unpredictable. People are honest, but they can be quick tempered. They believe in saying what they think. Those born under this sign come with a childlike spontaneity.

They like change and adventure, but they can be prone to wasting money.

In love they can feel jealous and fear betrayal. They are accustomed to command.

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