1. книги
  2. Эзотерика / оккультизм
  3. Angel Wight

Cancer. Zodiac

Angel Wight
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This book tell about the 4th sign of Zodiac. Cancerians are mysterious, sensitive, cautious, sympathetic, vulnerable, tender. We invite you join to our Russian — British project and tell about yourself: vk.com/spiritschool


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You are the rfightest star in the sky!

You can order portfolio with your photo of our photographer or your portrait of our artist:

Welcome to Lovatt Photography, whatever you are looking for, we are sure we can offer you an exciting package to suit

Just contact Lovatt Photography, and we will be happy to create a package to suit your specific wishes.

Christopher Lovatt

Also you can got the Solyar (a special program of your birthday for your future the success on next 12 months). Just send your date, time and place of birthday on this email: angelwight8@gmail.com

Tatyana Olenchinkova is an artist

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