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Capricorn. Zodiac

Angel Wight
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This book tell about the 10th sign of Zodiac. We invite you join to our Russian — British project and tell about yourself: zodiak777.yolasite.com


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The myth of Capricorn

According to ancient Greek mythology, the Capricornus Constellation is connected with the goat nymph Amalthea, who fed Zeus with her milk when he was an infant. And in gratitude, Zeus placed her in the sky among the stars. Another story is related to God Pan. He ruled forests, herds and shepherds. He had a peculiar appearance. He had ears and goat’s horns. Because of this, the nymph that he was trying to catch ran away from him. But, in the end, he became the god of nature, the god of wild animals, bands, shepherds and village music. He told a story about his beloved, who was afraid of his appearance and avoided meetings with him. One of his stories told of the feast of the gods, which was interrupted by the appearance of the monstrous giant Typhon. For fear, all the gods changed their appearance, while Pan jumped into the Nile River, tucked his legs into the tail of the fish, and his body assumed the similitude of a goat. Thus, he tried to frighten off the monster with his appearance. The word «panic’ comes from the name of the god Pan. Each version of the myth associated with the properties of the sign of Capricorn and its constellations, based on fear. Fear makes people change their form and pretend to be what they not really are.

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