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  3. Art Dalyna

Внутренняя звезда земли. Фэнтези-сериал. Русско-английская версия

Art Dalyna
Обложка книги

Небольшие истории, собранные под одной книжной обложкой, похожи на выразительные художественные зарисовки. Это таинственные сны, которые привиделись автору звездными ночами.Пять снов аккуратно вплетены в общее литературное полотно, крупными мазками раскрывают сюжет и добавляют яркие детали в общее повествование.Автор объединил два направления, в результате получились одновременно и красочный альбом, и интересная книга.


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Chapter one



…Entered the red brick arched vaulted hole called the Enter, we found ourselves on Nibiru, where everything happened exactly in opposite and having countdown moved in the reverse order…

After visiting the counter Planet, which is situated on the other side of the Sun, suddenly some things started to disappear in time… First, disappeared some money: right in the cafe and right from the card. Then, in some magic way a camera disappeared right from the screen and inner device of the iphone. After that, a Cat disappeared. It was a pity — the Cat was alive. But he was not the last in the list of mysterious disappearing. And there were no end in sight of them; like also Nibiru cannot be seen behind the source of warmth and Light.

After the Cat, a bag contained the full its owner’s personal identification and other private things have lost… To find the bag could only the human, who has never visited Nibiru. And she was Natasha — our salvation. Practically at all the moments of disappearings she was beside.

First, she changed the lost money in the cafe by her own one. Then she: through the space and temporary traffic jams like the Hero of Marvel rushed to find the bag and after the successful searches, Natasha like a footballplayer, who won the game, threw the bag up and loudly proclaimed ‘ Hooray!!!» So she became the hero of this narrative. Though, the Cat wasn’t found. Because he is not a thing. Probably, he is living on Nibiru now…

Конец ознакомительного фрагмента.


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