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  3. Wight Angel

Aquarius. Zodiac

Wight Angel
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This book tell about the 11th sign of Zodiac. Aquarius is a big original, unconventional, attractive, romantic, shy. We invite you join to our Russian — British project and tell about yourself: vk.com/spiritschool


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Aquarius: «I look to the future!»

According to the astrological calendar, the era of Aquarius will last for about 2000 years, and during this time mankind will be characterized by the features of this sign. Aquarians are visitors from the future, for the realization of their ideas is not the present: so forceful is this impact met they sometimes do not understand their own purpose in life. But hidden behind the internal distractions there are often brilliant ideas. About 80% of famous people are born under this sign.

Aquarians are good-natured in character. They are friendly, diplomatic and honest, although occasionally they can be a little absent-minded and timid.

They always seek to do everything individually. They have an impressionable nature, with a heightened emotionality and nervous excitability. They are smart, diversified, energetic, active and are often original in thought and action.

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