English Rock Opera"
vil love"(Spoiled the name"Ivelaw") on the
five (votes).
Music: At the discretion of the Composer. Hard. Five topics. Five riffs. Five votes. Five instruments.
Scene: At the discretion of the Director.
Characters: Five votes. Five people. Five spotlights. Five smokes. And anything for consideration by the Director. There should be five. Five the magic number for this Opera. Five votes are a burning star is a pentagram.
Actors: Voice:"Love", Voice:"Jealous"the Voice,"Mind", Voice:"He"Voice:"She."
horus: All the voices together. At the end of each action. Includes unclear how, but needs to include all voices: the Voice of Love, Voice:"Jealousy", Voice:"Mind", Voice:"He","She".
How to connect the unconnected? I do not know. Think, break the head, gentlemen Directors. But glee is supposed to be. As a summary of all struggles. As a fact, as deafening reality, completely confusing the viewer. It is important that love Ivelaw evil and should not be us, listening and gazing on the scene, should not be clear who in this fight have won: Love, Jealousy, Life or Mind.
No matter who won. It is important to win the Energy, Passion, Strength and Hard, then from that cut and Life itself! Energy and Hard — main winners. All others to hell!
Description. (without the dots and commas for clarity)
The philosophy and Architecture of this Opera Star the Top ray of the star, the Mind Considers itself the Highest level though if you turn the star where it will clear the Left side of the beam Jealousy right Love the bottom Two beam — Foundation of the universe He and She
The effect of the first.
The noise the last noise hypocrisy noises no music, some noises are nothing and they are not something deaf mute invisible sunfalls falsum Until they saw each other they were not, They saw each other He became She became It They appeared they started to live there was a sound appeared rock.
Action two.
All is good Life is good Live well the two of Them well without any Love Jealous Mind, But the Inky black music from the first part of black noise last ink of which from the past the noise of it there are still the other three incarnation Stars the Mind and the Zeal and Love appear to interfere with the lives they Begin to interfere in their lives to seduce, to deceive, to teach, to suffer life and sound break crack prevent tugging bullied each person praising himself and putting himself at the head of the Star, the Star wobbles from this struggle of ambition Jealousy of Reason and Love revolves revolves and gets more gets fire energy disappears hinder to live the way live the way live the way the Jealousy of the Second act is devoted to Jealousy.
Step three.
Dedicated to Love, Love also prevents live
Action four.
Dedicated to Mind Mind must be there and must not interfere with the lives but he's an old m…duck and whiner prevents
Action five.
He and She was trying to look for a real rock real music nothing happens and only when disappear and run and Mind, and Zeal and Love, and the star disappears and appears instead a burning pentagram and they remain at the center of it as the Foundation of the universe and no one, no jealousy no love, no old whiner just him and her in the center of the pentagram ignited only then, the new rhythm of the new energy of the new real rock Anthem Energy of the Hard Happiness and Great Sound
Happiness is the sound And people are left without tormenting their wings to stay and live without jealousy without love and reason does not stop them although he is somewhere nearby but did not intervene and they live happily ever after
The sound of the birth of a new hard a new rhythm of this rock is happiness, the sound is the universe the entire universe consists of sound smoke Fire stars the universe he and she nothing prevents happiness rhythm hard, fire flashing rejoicing stars smoke victory fire the fire of joy the end of the Opera.
closer and closer is not always better sometimes it is better to be away sometimes it's better to hear worse noise past the noise of falsehood closer and closer is not always better sometimes it is better to be away sometimes it's better to hear worse noise past the noise of falsehood closer and closer is not always better sometimes it is better to be away sometimes it's better to hear worse noise the last noise the noise hypocrisy hypocrisy hypocrisy hypocrisy hypocrisy
I poems suddenly squeezed a teeth saw you for the first time and again my day mute like then love in the winter
The Voice Of"She"
it was the silence of admiration blinded by the light of knowledge and it is
The Voice Of"He"
and this and this and this creeping arrogance is unnecessary, I understand
The Voice Of"Reason"
but you at work
The Voice Of"He".
and I was in the city saw you for the first time as my incredulity my gate and jealousy — the world's first
The Voice Of"Jealousy".
jealousy of the world's first and the world's first jealousy and jealousy is the first in the world
The Voice Of"He"
how can you not believe me too, I'm jealous and not blush in shame fire others donated kisses
The Voice Of"She"
let's put all this in the past because before I met you you and I have fought heart beckoned us surf
The Voice Of"Love"
your hearts have made a choice
The Voice Of"He"
and I captured you and you're now forever forever be with me
The Voice Of"Love"
what's with this eternity the moments spent with other moments
The Voice Of"She"
we are at the very beginning of the book our family achievements
we are at the very beginning of the book our family achievements, we at the beginning of the book our family achievements, we at the beginning of the book our family achievements
The Voice Of"He"
your question and my non-response
The Voice Of"Jealousy"
and in the eyes quelled the flames
The Voice Of"He"
Yes, there were scarlet sails altered in the scarlet banner for his gift of gab don't hide the disappointment you choose among the guys I chose charm
The Voice Of"Love"
he chose the charm he chose the charm he chose the charm he chose the charm he chose the charm
The Voice Of"He"
to hell with words Poems zameteli Blizzard let me look into your eyes eyes still unmarried
The Voice Of"Reason"
she left and he was not offended even his fault that not everyone was asked and they were in the opening day not casted on the picture ink is not poured out on the picture not poured out ink ink ink ink
Chorus: All the voices together.
closer and closer is not always better sometimes it is better to be away sometimes it's better to hear worse noise past the noise of falsehood closer and closer is not always better sometimes it is better to be away sometimes it's better to hear worse noise past the noise of falsehood closer and closer is not always better sometimes it is better to be away sometimes it's better to hear worse noise the last noise the noise hypocrisy hypocrisy hypocrisy hypocrisy hypocrisy
Action two. Subject: Helpful matchmaker.
and your heart beats like a machine and his heart beats evenly as a machine and the heart beats evenly as a machine and the heart beats like a machine my heart beats exactly as masiva Shiva Shiva Shiva.
The Voice Of"He"
my heart beats exactly how the car tired to stop in fear my love my wife with a man I was told helpful matchmaker
and told helpful matchmaker told him helpfully matchmaker told him helpfully matchmaker
The Voice Of"He"
've been reported a doubt has strayed to them hanging out for me like thunder well seen well, there was and this
The Voice Of"Love"
has a bell the tolling of bells has a bell the tolling of bells has a bell tolling
The Voice Of"Jealousy"
and through him, through the gloom and the rush of arms to the silence of the confessions hidden Ston
The Voice Of"He"
not to worry I woven taunts of those rumors are rumors sneaky chime
The Voice Of"Love"
for them, the two lovers, everything is beautiful
The Voice Of"He"
and I don't know to believe it or not My wife is in love with a man and talking about it the whole world
The Voice Of"Jealousy"
find myself in love that happiness of being of course it is not intertwined by the fireplace
The Voice Of"He"
the soul cries out will kill the mind says is impossible
and your heart beats like a machine and his heart beats evenly as a machine and the heart beats evenly as a machine and the heart beats like a machine my heart beats exactly as masiva Siva Siva Siva
Step three. Topic:"The Edge Of Heaven".
The Voice Of"Love"
her about love with a speak easy after all, proven by many years of winters but suddenly the soul will be covered with a black wing but suddenly melts first love smoke
The Voice Of"She"
in the world of feelings and people I'm confused all of a sudden I smile in the contours of your lips, I close my eyes and see I'm not the husband hugs the breath days
The voice of"Love"(she sings with…ka)
days familiar and grey before I met you how I lived without knowing you my dear
The Voice Of"She"
house kitchen cleaning bed linen Yes Laundry dry cleaning needle are all mine not mine I do not know what I mean
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