Общий вопрос в PastSimple
Запомни: в прошедшем простом времени используем вспомогательный глагол Did, при этом помни, что смысловой глагол в вопросе нужно использовать в начальной форме.
Обрати внимание на примеры:
He played — Did he play (начальная форма глагола)?
They swam — Did they swim (начальная форма глагола)?
We tried — Did they try (начальная форма глагола)?
Sam saw — Did Sam see? (начальная форма глагола)
Amanda rode a bike — Did Amanda ride a bike? (начальная форма глагола)
Есть сильные предложения с was и were, которым не нужен помощник.
Как ответить на общий вопрос в прошедшем простом времени?
1) Did he like playing volleyball? — Yes, he did/ — No, he didn’t
2) Did they swim in the sea? — Yes, they did/ — No, they didn’t
3) Were they in the park? — Yes, they were/ — No, they weren’t
4) Was he a pilot? — Yes, he was/ — No, he wasn’t
5) Did she buy a car? — Yes, she did/ — No, she didn’t
6) Did he ride a bike? — Yes, he did./ — No, he didn’t
7) Did they learn the poem? — Yes, they did/ — No, they didn’t
Задай общие вопросы и ответь на них:
1. She went to New York last year.
2. They played badminton in the gym.
3. Miranda listened to music yesterday evening.
4. They gathered mushrooms in the forest.
5. I closed the door with my keys.
6. He was very happy yesterday.
7. You were at the baker’s last night.