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  3. Эльдар Ахадов

Остров Грёз. Избранная проза

Эльдар Ахадов
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В книге избранной прозы Эльдара Ахадова «Остров Грёз» представлены практически все виды прозаических произведений автора:реалистические, мистические рассказы, эссе, пейзажные зарисовки, мемуары, притчи, сказки для взрослых и детей. По словам Ричарда Беренгартена (Кембридж): «Глубина и широта видения Ахадова уравновешены пристальным вниманием к тому, что Уильям Блейк именовал «мельчайшими подробностями», а Джерард Мэнли Хопкинс называл «inscape», внутренний глубинный «ландшафт»…


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About the author of the book «Island of Dreams»

«Eldar Akhadov is an outstanding Azerbaijani poet writing in Russian. A man of many parts, he is also a scientist, geologist, arctic explorer, excavator, linguist, critic, educationalist, and teacher. He involves himself with both questioning and celebrating the physical universe around us and within us, and, equally, the mysterious metaphysical questions that our existence poses to us all, which are both vast and miniscule at once. His depth and breadth of vision are balanced with a close attentiveness to what William Blake called the minute particulars and Gerard Manley Hopkins named the inscape and instress of things. His spirit combines passionate intellectual enquiry with empathy and magnanimity. And while his poems sing and breathe suffering and joy, what they emanate above all is hope. In all these respects, Akhadov is not merely a model man of our times but forour times, and for our future too. He is not only an internationalist but an imaginationalist.»

Richard BerengartenCambridge, June 2020

Richard Berengarten was born 1943. He is a world-famous poet from Great Britain, teaches at Cambridge, has a great many literary awards of higher dignity. His poetry has been translated into hundreds of languages of the peoples of the world.

«Eldar Akhadov is a true and original poet, both in life and in poetry. I celebrate him as a person and admire his innovative talent. His stories about Siberia are magical.»

Eduardo Espina

Eduardo Espina was born 1954. He is uruguayan poet and essayist, doctor of philosophy. A poet and college professor at several universities in the American continent, he is a member of the Britannica Encyclopedia and more than 20 anthologies of Latin American poetry. Espina’s poetry is studied at universities in Latin America, Europe and the United States. His poems have been translated into many languages of the peoples of the world. For his work as a poet and essayist, Espina has many awards.

«You have a soul similar to that of William Blake. Your creations will live forever.»

Mordechai Geldman about Eldar Akhadov.

Mordechai Geldman was born 1946. He is a world-famous poet, art critic, essayist, photographer, psychologist from Israel, his poetry was translated to many languages.

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