Exercise 1. Study the vocabulary
1. acid (adj) ['эйсид] — кислый
2. acorn (n) ['эйко: н] — желудь
3. Africa (n) ['эфрика] — Африка
4. age (n) ['эйдж] — возраст
5. aircraft (n) ['eəкрафт] — самолет
6. air (n) [эа] — воздух
7. Aladdin (n) [ə'лэдин] — Аладдин
8. alarm clock (n) [ə'ла: м клок] — будильник
9. ambulance (n) ['эмбьюлэнс] — машина скорой
10. amusing (adj) [эмь'юзинг] — забавный, веселый
11. Ankara (n) ['энкэра] — Анкара
12. annoy (v) [э'нной] — надоедать, раздражать
13. ant (n) [энт] — муравей
14. ape (n) [эйп] — человекообразная обезьяна
15. apologize (v) [э'полоджайз] — извиняться
16. apron (n) ['эйпрəн] — фартук
17. armpit (n) ['а: мпит] — подмышка
18. attractive (adj) [э'трэктив] — привлекательный
19. awake (v) [ə'wэйк] — будить, просыпаться
20. axe (n) [экс] — топор
Exercise 2. Match the columns

Exercise 3. Complete the gaps and translate these sentences
1. Great oaks grow from little………………….………..
2. I like to read some……………………… book before
going to bed.
3. This zoo has the largest collection of………………
in Europe.
4. The anthill is the home of an………………. colony.
5. These flies are……………………………….. me.
I cannot fall asleep.
6. My grandma always wore this………………….while
she was cooking.
7. There was a smell of burning leaves in the………
8. Egypt, Morocco and Tunisia are well known
states in………………………...
9.………………………………………… rain is a great
problem in our world.
10. Next year we will go to Turkey, to its
capital city…………………………..
11. They slept so sweet, but were……………………
…………………. at 6 a.m.
12. The airline has ordered 17 new…………………...
13. I…………………………….. for stepping on her foot.
14. When………………………………. found the lamp
and rubbed it, a genie appeared and said to him,
«Your wish is my command.»
15. You are so………………………………. in this dress!
16. I bought an………………………………………………..
at the ironmonger’s.
17. She entered Parliament at the……………… of 26.
18. What time shall I set the………………………… for?
19. It was so cold and we kept our hands under our
……………………… in the huddle.
20.…………………………………… were first used for
emergency transport in 1487.
Exercise 4. Word Search Puzzle.
Find the words…

… and translate these sentences.
1. The period of time a person has lived or a thing
has existed……………………………………………………….
2. A tool with a heavy metal blade on the end of a
long handle, used to cut down trees or split logs
3. The nut of the oak tree, which grows in a cuplike
4. A small insect living on the ground in large
groups and known for hard work………………………
5. Stop sleeping……………………………………………….
6. A clock that can be set to make a noise at any
particular time to wake up someone who is asleep
7. A large monkey without a tail or with a very
short tail, such as a gorilla or chimpanzee……….
8. It is usually worn by women in the home, and
by people such as chefs at work………………………
9. The mixture of gases which surrounds the Earth
and which we breathe…………………………………….
10. The hollow place under the arm at the shoulder
Exercise 5. Make up sentences using
SO + adjective/adverb SUCH + adjective + noun. Translate these sentences

Exercise 6. Insert the words in the boxes