Exercise 1. Study the vocabulary
1. daffodil (n) ['дэфəдил] — нарцисс
2. dangerous (adj) ['дейнджəрəуз] — опасный
3. Darvin, Charles [ча: лз да: вин] — Чарльз Дарвин
4. date (n) [дейт] — финик
5. deaf (adj) [дэф] — глухой
6. decade (n) ['декейд] — 10 лет
7. decorate (v) [дэкə'рэйт] — украшать
8. deliver (v) [ди'ли: вə] — доставлять
(письма, товары)
9. Denmark ['денма: к] — Дания
10. describe (v) [ди'скрайб] — описывать что-либо
11. dessert (n) [ди'зё: т] — десерт
12. digital (adj) ['диджитл] — цифровой
13. disobey (v) [дисə'бэй] — ослушаться,
не подчиниться
14. dive (v) [дайв] — нырять
15. dolphin (n) ['долфин] — дельфин
16. draughts (n) [дра: фтс] — шашки (B.E)
checkers — (A.E)
17. dust (n) [даст] — пыль
18. duty (n) [дьюти] — долг
19. dwarf (n) [дво: ф] — карлик, гном
20. dynasty (n) ['династи] — династия
Exercise 2. Match the columns

Exercise 3. Translate into Russian
1. I want to share some ideas with you on how to
decorate our house for New Year.
2. In some countries there is no tradition of a
dessert course to conclude a meal.
3. Their nephew disobeyed his mother and went to
the party.
4. The daffodil is the national flower of Wales.
5. Denmark is considered to be one of the most
economically developed countries in the world.
6. Nowerdays a lot of libraries have shifted their
focus from print materials to digital ones.
7. There was a layer of dust on the carpet.
8. Will you deliver, or do I have to come to the shop
to collect the goods?
9. Dolphins are known to be very clever and friendly
to humans.
10. My father’s favourite hobby is plying draughts.
11. It’s dangerous to go too near the edge of the cliff.
12. If you are looking for alternative to sugar, you can
buy dates.
13. I feel it’s my duty to help them in this dangerous
14. Prices have risen steadily during the past decade.
15. Speak up! I am rather deaf.
16. Try to describe exactly how it happened.
17. It is known that Georg V belonged to a Royal
18. The most famous fairy tale with dwarfs in is
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs.
19. Charles Darwin described the idea that plants and
animals develop gradually from simpler to more
complicated forms by natural selection.
20. The seagull dived into the water to catch
the fish.
Exercise 4. Are these sentences true or false? Translate these sentences
1. Dolphins are known to be very clever and hostile
to humans. T / F
2. I feel it’s not my duty to help them in this
dangerous situation. T / F
3. The most famous fairy tale with dwarfs in is
Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. T / F
4. My father’s favourite hobby is plying chess. T / F
5. I want to share some ideas with you on how to
decorate our house for New Year. T / F
6. The seagull dived into the water to catch the
dolphin. T / F
7. The daffodil is the national flower of Denmark.
T / F
8. If you are looking for alternative to sugar,
you can buy dates. T / F
9. Their nephew disobeyed his mother and went to
the party. T / F
10. There was a layer of dust on the draughts. T / F
11. Will you deliver, or do I have to come to the
shop to collect the goods? T / F
12. In some countries there is a tradition of a dessert
course to conclude a meal. T / F
13. Charles Darwin described the idea that plants
and animals develop gradually from simpler to
more complicated forms by unnatural selection. T / F
14. It is known that Georg VI belonged to a Royal
dynasty. T / F
15.Prices have risen steadily during the past decade.
T / F
16. Denmark is considered not to be one of the most
economically developed countries in the world. T / F
17. Nowadays very few libraries have shifted their
focus from print materials to digital ones. T / F
18. Speak up! I am rather deaf. T / F
19. Don’t try to explain exactly how it happened. T / F
20. It’s pleasant to go too near the edge of the cliff.
T / F
Exercise 5. Translate these sentences using the modal verbs can, may, must
1. Мы должны купить немного букетов из
нарциссов на банкет.
2. Вы можете описать достопримечательности
3. Они могут украсить потолок шарами?
4. Она может доставить эти ковры в Данию.
5. Вы можете рассказать нам о династии Чарльза,
принца Уэльского?
6. Он должен принести несколько коробок
с шахматами и шашками.
7. Мы должны украсить торт финиками и черной
8. Можно мне предложить свой вариант десерта?
9. Вы можете вернуть долг завтра?
10. Вы обязаны доставить этих опасных животных
только через пролив Ла-Манш.
Exercise 6. Insert the words in the boxes