Chapter Three. Another Paganini
Albert Stanton
Madame: I think that you’re simply jealous, Albert.
Stanton: Well, maybe just a little bit. (38) But it doesn’t change the fact that you don’t know the first thing about the fellow. (39)
Madame: I know that he has no family, no wife, no children. He is all alone in the whole world. His cat, Napoleon, is his only companion. He must feel very lonely.
Stanton: So lonely that you felt pity for him and gave him a job in your house? And now you’re going to include him in your will.
Madame: Hush! Listen! That’s him! (40)
Madame rose from her chair and went towards the balcony, beckoning to her guest to follow her.
Madame: See for yourself. Just don’t go out. If he sees you, he will stop playing.
Stanton stuck out his head and saw the butler playing.
Stanton (unable to hide his surprise): Fabulous! Just fabulous!
Madame: Isn’t it?
Stanton: I don’t know what to say.
Madame: Then don’t say anything.