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  3. Леди Стюарт

Путешествие Души

Леди Стюарт (2024)
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В каждом из нас есть что-то скрытое, неизведанное. Что-то, что прячется в глубине нашего сердца.Посвящается частичке Вселенной внутри каждого из нас

Автор: Леди Стюарт

Жанры и теги: Стихи и поэзия


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Warrior’s soul

If that's what I want, I will pursue my goal no matter why. No matter what forces are against me, I will stand till the end, because that's what I desire. Sometimes life sweeps you away, but I'll show it, that's not for me. Life can try as hard as it can. Ha! I have bad news for it! I am convinced, there is nothing impossible. So I'll lay down my existence, if that's what it truly takes. And my strength is incredible…

I wait for the gears of fate to start turning,

I follow my own unpredictable mind,

Life, hear my arrogant, fiery warning,

If I don't conquer you, than I will rewind.

Start praying for mercy? You think I will do so?

Well, then, you don't know me at all. See you soon!

I wrote myself funny, but certainly fair law,

And I will play self-set role under the moon.

Impossible is just a word you invented,

For those, who pursue only power and wealth,

I'll bid you a farewell, you, who resented,

When I put on my head a laurel wreath.

What tragedy! You lost the crown of your struggles,

My light will burn you to a massive collapse,

You see, I get all that I want, needless huddles

Taught me to look at some things simpler perhaps.

Achieve I my wishes with grand proud calmness,

I know forces, that are beyond your beliefs,

Sense my inner strength and unstoppable wildness,

I'll jump over highest and rockiest cliffs.

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