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  3. Леди Стюарт

Путешествие Души

Леди Стюарт (2024)
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В каждом из нас есть что-то скрытое, неизведанное. Что-то, что прячется в глубине нашего сердца.Посвящается частичке Вселенной внутри каждого из нас

Автор: Леди Стюарт

Жанры и теги: Стихи и поэзия


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—Behold the power of Justice.

The wheel of fortune, slowly turning,

Leaves things in their right places,

The justice scales go on restoring,

Erasing lowly faces.

Where will you be? Which side you take?

The judgement looks upon you.

No matter what you do or make,

Fool's sins are always shown true.

In silence and murkiness the hermit prevails,

Magician, who feels inner calmness,

He mastered the strength and now he plays,

Possessing the emperor's mindset.

And carefully, slowly, with temperance guiding,

The star will shine after the sunset,

It will blind the moon and conjure the lightning,

Returning the world to its brightness.

In other domain, ruled by forces of darkness,

The hanged man avoids the death march,

The tower starts slowly to fall into numbness,

The devil stops laughing in malice.

Unveiling their feelings, the lovers make choices,

The high priestess turns into empress,

Hierophant preaches to lingering voices,

And chariot carries the tempest.

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