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  3. О. С. Калинина

ЕГЭ-2019. Сборник готовых эссе по английскому языку. Practice makes perfect

О. С. Калинина
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Этот сборник поможет вам подготовиться к ЕГЭ-2019 по английскому языку, в частности к №40. Ознакомившись с представленными сочинениями, вы будете иметь представление о структуре эссе, запомните простые, но точные клише, расширите свой словарный запас, рассмотрите, в каком контексте лучше всего употреблять некоторые грамматические структуры и, конечно же, пополните свою личную базу аргументации множеством новых аргументов и контраргументов.

Автор: О. Калинина

Жанры и теги: Языкознание


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A man that does not know the history of his/her country is like a leaf that is not aware of being a part of a tree

It is common knowledge that a person is a citizen of that country where s/he was born. Under some circumstances one can change a citizenship or have a double one. Undoubtedly, a person considers himself/herself to be a citizen of that country where his/her heart is.

I totally agree with the statement above that a person ought not to be ignorant of the history of his/her motherland. Firstly, if a resident has no knowledge of the history of his/her native country, s/he will not take part in historic festivals, where people become mentally united. Secondly, being unaware of the events of the past, a citizen cannot keep up a conservation with compatriots. Finally, griefs, sorrows and failures have always been consolidating nations. If a person has no idea about mistakes of his/her ancestors, s/he does not have any patriotic feelings.

Nevertheless, there is another point of view on this issue. Some people claim that it is senseless to learn the history of the motherland. Present is much more significant that the past. Moreover, interactions with other citizens may bring a person a feeling of felicity and patriotism.

However, I still insist on my opinion. It is usually said that history repeats itself. In consequence a citizen ought to be good at national history in order to prevent his/her motherland from the same disastrous mistakes in the future.

In conclusion, I would like to stress once more that under no circumstances should a person ignore the life of his/her ancestors. If the humanity did not rely on the history, the world would turn into chaos.

(264 words)

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Автор: О. Калинина

Жанры и теги: Языкознание


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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «ЕГЭ-2019. Сборник готовых эссе по английскому языку. Practice makes perfect» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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