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  3. О. С. Калинина

ЕГЭ-2019. Сборник готовых эссе по английскому языку. Practice makes perfect

О. С. Калинина
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Этот сборник поможет вам подготовиться к ЕГЭ-2019 по английскому языку, в частности к №40. Ознакомившись с представленными сочинениями, вы будете иметь представление о структуре эссе, запомните простые, но точные клише, расширите свой словарный запас, рассмотрите, в каком контексте лучше всего употреблять некоторые грамматические структуры и, конечно же, пополните свою личную базу аргументации множеством новых аргументов и контраргументов.

Автор: О. Калинина

Жанры и теги: Языкознание


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Billions of dollars are spent on space exploration projects annually. Some people believe that this money should be used to solve problems on Earth

It will not be an exaggeration to claim that in the epoch of technologies a lot of money is allocated to exploring the space, while the humanity is still facing an innumerable host of social and economic problems.

I totally agree with the statement above that before travelling to other planets all problems on your own one should be solved. Firstly, millions of residents tend to live below the poverty line. Some money ought to be spent to decrease the number of people in need. Secondly, currently there are a lot of endangered animals. Some funds should be sponsored to create necessary conditions to increase the population of such animals. Finally, there is still a lot of undiscovered on the Earth, for instance, medicine for AIDS, HIV, cancer and other illnesses.

Nevertheless, there is another point of view on this issue. Some people claim that space explorations should be sponsored as much as possible. Actually, the humanity is facing some environmental problems which may result in need of moving to other planets. Before living in Mars or Saturn people have to explore it attentively. Moreover, curiosity of renowned scientists should also be satisfied.

However, I still insist on my opinion. Unconsciously, if authorities spent enough money for coping with pollution, there would not be a necessity to move to other planets.

In conclusion, I would like to stress once more that under no circumstances should governments ignore needs of people on Earth. Money on space ought to be spent wisely.

(250 words)

О книге

Автор: О. Калинина

Жанры и теги: Языкознание


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