Рифмы матушки Гусыни — это знаменитый сборник стихов, песенок, загадок, считалок, дразнилок, колыбельных и других веселых вещей. Пожалуй, нет ни одного ребенка в англоязычных странах, который бы не знал этой книги. Ее персонажи стали неотъемлемой частью нашей жизни. Это и Шалтай-Болтай, и неразлучные Твидлдум и Твидлди, и Червонная дама, и Джек, построивший дом, и Человек скрюченные ножки и многие другие. Некоторые стихи из этого сборника знакомы нашему читателю по переводам Корнея Чуковского и Самуила Маршака. Данная книга — самая полная из существующих. Автором великолепных переводов является Родин Игорь Олегович, писатель, издатель, драматург и переводчик. Все переводы выполнены поистине мастерски и пронизаны искрометным, настоящим английским юмором. Книга представляет собой билингву, то есть двуязычное издание. Параллельно русскому переводу идет английский текст.
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Рифмы матушки Гусыни» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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A Frog He Would A-wooing Go
A frog he would a-wooing go,
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
A frog he would a-wooing go,
Whether his mother would let him or no.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.
So off he set with his opera hat,
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
So off he set with his opera hat,
And on the road he met with a rat,
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.
Pray, Mr. Rat will you go with me?
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
Pray, Mr. Rat will you go with me,
Kind Mrs. Mousey for to see…
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.
They came to the door of Mousey’s hall,
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
They gave a loud knock, and they gave a loud call.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.
Pray, Mrs. Mouse are you within?
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
Oh yes, kind sirs, I’m sitting to spin.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.
Pray, Mrs. Mouse will you give us some beer?
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
For Froggy and I are fond of good cheer.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.
Pray, Mr. Frog will you give us a song?
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
Let it be something that’s not very long.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.
Indeed, Mrs. Mouse, replied Mr. Frog,
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
A cold has made me as hoarse as a dog.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.
Since you have a cold, Mr. Frog, Mousey said,
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
I’ll sing you a song that I’ve just made.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.
But while they were all a-merry-making
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
A cat and her kittens came tumbling in.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.
The cat she seized the rat by the crown,
Heigh ho! says Rowley,
The kittens they pulled the little mouse down.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.
This put Mr. Frog in a terrible fright,
Heigh ho! says Rowley.
He took up his hat and he wished them goodnight.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.
But as Froggy was crossing over a brook,
Heigh ho! says Rowley.
A lily white duck came and gobbled him up.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.
So there was the end of one, two, three,
Heigh ho! says Rowley.
The rat, the mouse, and the little froggy.
With a rowley, powley, gammon, and spinach,
Heigh ho! says Anthony Rowley.
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «Рифмы матушки Гусыни» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
Купить и скачать полную версию книги в форматах FB2, ePub, MOBI, TXT, HTML, RTF и других