«The Book of Living» by Yuri Belk offers the reader a unique look at the age-old questions related to the purpose and meaning of human existence. Using metaphors, parables, and real-life stories, the author expertly reveals complex concepts in an accessible and inspiring way. The reader will travel through the pages, discovering not only theory, but also practical tips for achieving harmony with themselves and the world around them. Belk shows how through mindfulness and inner development, you can achieve genuine happiness and find joy in everyday moments. Special attention is paid to the process of formation of a person, his personal and spiritual growth. Belk discusses the importance of self-awareness, personal responsibility, and the constant pursuit of excellence. The book offers more questions than answers to work on yourself, helping the reader to form a conscious attitude to life, find your vocation and achieve inner peace.
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «The Book of Living» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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A time of carefree times, when we look at the world with hope, when we want to grow up faster and become an adult, sometimes it turns into an obsession.
Everyone's childhood, of course, was different: cruel, kind, hungry, boring, fun, and so on. But, having grown up, we perceive all our events in our lives from the point of view of the image that we formed in childhood. An adult is the same child, only the clothing size is different.
Of course, we change, but our perceptions of life are formed in childhood. An adult develops stereotypes that fundamentally distinguish him from a child, so maintaining a child's simplicity and even sometimes naivety will help to look at things impartially, more rationally than an adult.
Keep your child in the shower forever.
It isvery sad when a person is deprived of a childhood, it is a big trauma for the child, and in later life it is very difficult to adapt to the events that are taking place. Because, despite the fact that it is customary to say that a person is the blacksmith of his own happiness, there are events that are either difficult or simply almost impossible to influence. In such cases, it is necessary to have the plasticity of the psyche in order to survive or adapt.
Про PTSD1 we'll talk about PTSD in a separate book. I won't write it, but we'll talk. It is generally assumed that only war veterans suffer from it, which I do not agree with at all, no one agrees with this at all, it's just that these notorious adult stereotypes have worked again.
In childhood, a person receives a large number of psychological traumas, which are perceived even more strongly in a state of fragile, childish psyche. As a result of adult life, a person is formed in spite of or fearing their childhood fears and psychological traumas. It depends of course on the type of psyche, someone becomes stronger from problems, who becomes vulnerable. Everything is different, individual.
A person lives in a world where eight billion people live in addition to him2, and they all create their own world, product, thoughts, actions, which in turn affect other participants in life.
It is impossible not to remember that people are affected by animals, events that occur in a random or deliberate way. Everything affects one person, and the person himself also affects others.
18 plus. Beginning
ЧHumanism has a figurative type of thinking, and those phrases that take root or are used more often have more informational weight. But sometimes a goat is just an animal, quite funny and cute, which gives wool, quite valuable, and goats give moloko.
18 plus — this means that we are adults or it's time for us to become adults.
Andit is interesting that in different epochs, children moved to the rank of adults quite early. Now even twenty-five-year-olds are considered young, that is, they should be treated like children. Modern man matures very slowly. The reasonfor this is the ess technological program, which contributes to the degeneration of masculinity and the presence of physical strength.
Childhood is avery important stage in a person's life, and we will return to it from time to time.Now we will go straight to the age of majority. Although there is a legal age of majority here, there is a subjective one, when someone grows up faster, someone doesnot grow up at all.
In different countries, the legal age of majority is quite wide in the spectrum.
The age at which we begin to be fully responsible for our actions and actions, although in certain situations criminal liability may occur in the Russian Federation from the age of 14 and 16, respectively, depending on the severity of the crime.
School ends around the age of 17, and at this age people often enter adulthood, which is full of surprises. It often happens that this adult life begins to attract with its vices more than the opportunity to develop fully.
It all depends on who you're on the boat with at the time. If your friends are right, you will become right, and vice versa, if the opposite, although everything again depends on the person's personality.
We tend to look for causes outside more often than in ourselves inside. Although many questions have answers within us.
— Grown-ups, there they are, grown-ups, — we used to say when we were kids, listing grown-ups as if they were aliens with their own laws and possibilities.
— They know how to buy toys, and someone gives them money, probably some others who are generally magicians, — something like this we could think very young, considering adults, paying attention to their superpowers…
So we became adults, or rather, adults… So…? Where are our superpowers?
Most people's lives are monotonous to the point of ugliness, in the good sense of the word. House, family, children, hospital, yard, garage, plot, compote, cinema.
People almost all eat the same food, and many have the same life, despite the variety of pants. Although the color differentiation of pants3, of course, can change a person's life, but only slightly.
Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги «The Book of Living» предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.
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