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The Book of Living

Юрий Белк (2024)
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«The Book of Living» by Yuri Belk offers the reader a unique look at the age-old questions related to the purpose and meaning of human existence. Using metaphors, parables, and real-life stories, the author expertly reveals complex concepts in an accessible and inspiring way. The reader will travel through the pages, discovering not only theory, but also practical tips for achieving harmony with themselves and the world around them. Belk shows how through mindfulness and inner development, you can achieve genuine happiness and find joy in everyday moments. Special attention is paid to the process of formation of a person, his personal and spiritual growth. Belk discusses the importance of self-awareness, personal responsibility, and the constant pursuit of excellence. The book offers more questions than answers to work on yourself, helping the reader to form a conscious attitude to life, find your vocation and achieve inner peace.


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There's no point in compressing everything you've said about friends in this chapter right now. The idea of this book was to say something else that I think is very important.

You can have thousands of friends, but no one will conditionally congratulate you on your birthday. Although I have already described about the birthday, and I have my own attitude to it. In general, there is no need to confuse friends and acquaintances.

Otherpeople who are not related can sometimes be much closer to you than relatives. Although, rather, it even happens more often. And there's nothing wrong or negative about it. The fact is that the probability that there is a person among your relatives who is closer to you inmentality is very small. Navernoe, you may now recall that your character was often compared to an uncle or grandfather, a grandmother who lives in another city or is no longer alive. The probability of similarity in the character of the closest first-line relatives is very small, and it is much easier to find your own person, like-minded person in society.

And in fact, people with the same mindset or lifestyle are more likely to find a common language, they are attracted to each other, they are interested in each other.

If they are two fishermen, then they can no longer interfere, they can always chat among themselves. But no one knows your life better than you do, so the best adviser to make any fateful decisions can only be yourself.

Therefore, all attempts to consult with a friend or girlfriend almost always lead to an unprofessional choice of position. At some points, it is better for another person to judge without nerves, since it is not his fate that is being decided, conditionally, on the other hand, he or she cannot know all the details. Therefore, it is necessary to consult, but the choice should always be yours.

It is better tomake big decisions on a fresh head, in the morning, and in general in the fresh air. In this state, a person's thinking and cognitive abilities are higher. On the street, even if it is polluted with the products of burning car fuel, it is still cleaner than home, apartment air, which is saturated with allergens, viruses and mold, and just dust, and the oxygen level is slightly higher, and the level of carbon dioxide is slightly lower.

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