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VISUALIZATION OF THE INVISIBLE«Tatiana Sokolova mixes pithiness of posters, irony of caricature and philosophy of academic painting. She visualizes a new language of the 21th century, a language of symbols.»(«Cosmo lady» magazine)ВИЗУАЛИЗАЦИЯ НЕВИДИМОГО«Смешивая в своих картинах лаконичность плаката, иронию карикатуры и философию высокой живописи, Татьяна Соколова визуализирует новый язык 21-го века — язык символов»(Журнал «Cosmo lady»)


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Paintings-aphorisms — talking pictures of Tatyana Sokolova

«Art-aphorisms balance on the verge of caricature and poster, religious symbol and trademark, replace parables and anecdotes, visually embody what otherwise would require a lot of words, instead of one art object.

This «eloquent silence» of the artist can replace one book image with one image. This is the true value of paintings-aphorisms.

The thought, compressed to the size of the canvas, is imprinted in the memory of the viewer.

It is thought, idea, and not technical perfection that creates the world.

It is the pictures-aphorisms that are known in Russia, Europe and the USA by contemporary artist Tatyana Sokolova.»


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