Стратегии философского исследования коммуникации

Александр Сергеевич Шохов, 2022

Исследование коммуникации – один из мейнстримов современной философии. «Коммуникативный поворот» привёл к появлению разнообразных ракурсов изучения коммуникации во всех гуманитарных дисциплинах. Каждый исследователь пытается дать собственный ответ на вопрос о том, чем является и чем не является коммуникация, и благодаря многообразию предложенных ответов ситуация еще больше запутывается. Становится нелегко понять, что такое коммуникация сама по себе. Автор книги вводит терминологический конструкт «стратегия философского исследования», пишет о необходимости отказаться от модели точечного и монолитного субъекта-исследователя и предлагает новую интерпретацию термина «парадигма» для гуманитарных дисциплин. Книга предназначена для профессиональных философов и для всех, интересующихся философскими исследованиями коммуникации.


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Приведённый ознакомительный фрагмент книги Стратегии философского исследования коммуникации предоставлен нашим книжным партнёром — компанией ЛитРес.

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The study of communication is one of the mainstream in the modern philosophy."Communicative turn"led to the emergence of a variety perspectives, connected with the study of communication in all humanitarian disciplines. These developments today require reflection and synthesis. Each researcher tries to give his own answer to the question of what communication is and what is not, and thanks to the diversity of the proposed answers, the situation is even more confused. It is not easy to understand what communication is by itself, and the question “what is the communication?”, takes on very many additional dimensions. The epistemic complexity is arising such more that any attempt to see the “forest behind the trees” or to discover the thread of Ariadne in the constantly created labyrinth of intellectual searches becomes relevant.

A terminology construct “research strategy” has further developed in this book. It allows to speak about personal choice in situations of polyparadigmality thinking. Thereby a certain research position, which allows us to keep a balance between different vectors of meaning attractions, becomes possible.. It is concluded that the subject-researcher, due to the entry into the observation situation in the first reflection level state, experiences first dissociation and then dispersion. The book shows how the classic subject of the research has transformed into the continuously reassembled integrity of its own communicative conditions held by auto-communication at the second-level reflection state. One type of this reflection is “decentralized reflection” that becomes an important tool for paradigm analysis, because it allows us to consistently take the place of every researcher, analyze the influences that he is experiencing, and to live from the inside various research angles and personal choices that form an individual strategy.

The work develops further the concept of paradigm analysis as the process of identifying the bases on which the researcher relied under the gravitation of various paradigmatic (epistemic) influences. The metaphor of the surfer researcher, which slides along the waves created by the centers of paradigmatic attraction, is used. Surfer have to keep away all these centers, because he wants be independence from them — otherway he can lose his philosophy reflexive position.

The book considers ideas of communication that have developed in different directions of thinking (the paradigm of complexity, the system paradigm (N.Luhmann’s version), the network paradigm, the paradigm of “communicative rationality”, etc.).

It is concluded that paradigms and research strategies complement each other. The paradigm prescribes exactly how the research should be built in order to meet the scientific criteria established in this discipline in this scientific community at at one time or another. The research strategy is the path chosen by a particular researcher in which various epistemic, paradigmatic, and methodological influences can be combined. At the same time, the strategy reveals the author's creativity, his own contribution.

A terminological construct “knowledge body” introduced into scientific use. It can be explained as a complex of knowledge that entered “into flesh and blood of researcher”, became a peculiar analogue of a body grown not from protein matter, but from the paradigms and scientific knowledge of the community.

The concept of the paradigm was developed as a kind of synthesis of research constructs, arising and constantly re-assembling in the communication of the scientific or philosophical community.

Paradigms, epistems, methodological approaches, influenced by community members, are metaphorically compared with the communicative states of a community, the composition of them predetermines the communication of its members.

It was proposed the concept of communication as a “research construction” that each researcher “assembles” to solve his own scientific and philosophical problems. This book contains an interpretation of communication as a driver of event-time, capable of changing the configuration of established connections and associations between actors, creating conditions for reassembling systems or networks and being a conductor for contingency in the situation “here and now”.

Keywords: research strategy, subject-researcher, assembly, communication, paradigm, constitutive elements of a paradigm, decentralized reflection, knowledge body, research construct.

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Людвиг Витгенштейн «Философские исследования», пункт 109


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