A characteristic feature of many countries with modern Economics is the dominance of small and medium business.
In contrast to the business of large corporations, including international ones, the business of large capitals and production facilities with thousands to hundreds of thousands of employees, small and medium business is primarily a phenomenon of implementation of entrepreneurial idea, a form of active creativity, people’s initiative, which attracts and mobilizes even small capitals into business, into productive activities.
Small and medium business, small and medium entrepreneurship are stable phrases that will be used many times in this book, so we will introduce two abbreviations here: SMB, or small and medium business, and SME, or small and medium entrepreneurship.
SME is a set of business initiatives and creative aspirations of citizens, the basis of formation of a developed competitive environment, new technological, manufacturing, managerial ideas, innovative activity, new jobs, creation of new needs, goods and services, and as a result — an increase of tax revenues to the state budget, based on which an improvement of the well-being and quality of life of citizens is possible.
However, SMEs, despite all their progressive qualities, are first of all threatened with the termination of their activities in the case of unfavorable economic conditions. Today, such a threat is the pandemic of coronavirus Covid-19, the result of which is the reduction of domestic and international markets for products, forced mutual isolation of employees of small and medium enterprises from both the external environment and from each other, the difficulty of overcoming the logistical barriers in bringing their products to the consumer, the decline in purchasing power.
The second threat, often no less, are negative trends in the social life of different countries, including an increase in the number and simultaneously aggressiveness of non-value-producing strata and groups living on government benefits and other similar means, which exacerbates economic tension in society and complicates business. Especially small and medium-sized businesses.
In such circumstances, preserving the sustainability of small and medium-sized businesses and their human potential becomes particularly important. An important role in this case acquires the support of small and medium-sized businesses by the state, regions and various state and public institutions. And the support is necessary not so much in the form of direct financial injections into SMEs, but rather in the form of finding and implementing such managerial decisions which will help small and medium-sized enterprises:
— reduce non-production costs,
— reduce non-production costs, maintain access to markets when markets are shrinking,
— to find and develop new markets, including international markets of other countries,
— to obtain non-financial structural help in re-equipping production with more efficient fixed assets, to increase the level of automation and management,
— to improve the knowledge and competence of management personnel of enterprises, especially small businesses.
Small and medium business today forms such a vast area providing employment that practically any measures from the state are justified to prevent these people from losing their livelihood, which is their small or medium enterprise activity.
Without support measures, these people and their families risk becoming dependents of the state, and the need to support them will be a heavy burden on the budget, and the losses will increase, exceeding many times the reasonable costs of support.
Detailed information about the organization of small and medium-sized businesses, management of small and medium-sized enterprises, their opportunities and prospects are given in [1].
The book gives an overview of the existing methods of small and medium business support in Europe, the USA and Canada, Russia and the countries of the former USSR, Israel, as well as the economically advanced countries of Asia — China, Japan, South Korea, Singapore and a number of others.
The methods and techniques of support common for the countries and regions of the world are systematized, the original methods, which could be found in some countries, are emphasized.
The phenomenon of erasing of economic borders between states, the formation of more open markets and the formation of international small and medium business is considered. It is shown how this phenomenon changes small and medium business in a particular state.
The methods of state support for small and medium-sized businesses proposed by the authors of the book, based on their research and practical experience, are described.
The phenomenon of the erasure of economic borders between states, the formation of more open markets and the emergence of international small and medium-sized businesses is considered. It is shown how this phenomenon changes small and medium business in a particular state.
The methods of state support for small and medium-sized businesses proposed by the authors of the book, based on their research and practical experience, are described.
The proposed methods, of course, are not ready-made recipes, but rather examples of approaches to the formation of support, which can be useful both to the employees of the relevant state institutions, and the owners of small and medium-sized businesses — what they can suggest to the state that patronizes them in order to improve the overall efficiency and sustainability of the economy.
Special consideration is given to the professional training of owners and managers of small and medium-sized businesses, increasing their economic and legal competence, which should improve the quality of management and financial discipline in small and medium-sized businesses. Thus the book will be useful for students of universities and colleges, graduate students and teachers of higher and secondary specialized educational institutions of economic profile as a teaching aid.
Employees of state institutions will find useful the chapter which examines and evaluates the effectiveness of state support for small and medium-sized businesses.
Employees of state institutions will find useful the chapter which considers and evaluates the effectiveness of state support for small and medium-sized businesses.
After all, it is no secret that any innovations in the structure of the state economy meet a huge number of barriers of both institutional and private plan, such as conflicts of interest.
And several new arguments in favor of a particular solution may be important in improving the methods of state support for small and medium-sized businesses.
Finally, sources of funding for state support of SMEs, methods of finding and attracting such sources, reducing the burden on the state budget are considered separately.