1. книги
  2. Языкознание
  3. Игорь Николаевич Евтишенков

Английский язык, варианты ответов, ЕГЭ, 20 писем, №37, 40 эссе, №38.1/2, 20 «проектов», Т4 УЧ

Игорь Николаевич Евтишенков
Обложка книги

Данный сборник используется при интенсивной подготовке к экзамену, поэтому и все письма, эссе и «проекты» в нём являются для ученика домашним заданием. Прочитав письмо друга (37), и ответ на него, эссе (38) и проект (Т4), он должен написать похожий ответ с использованием своей лексики и своих возможностей. После этого ученик обязан прочитать свой вариант педагогу вслух. Обычно при одном занятии в неделю пишутся два письма, два сочинения и один проект.

Автор: Игорь Евтишенков

Жанры и теги: Языкознание


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TEST 8. Winter

From: Molly__mail

To: Russian_friend_ege

Subject: Winter

…This year we had an incredibly cold winter. What’s the weather normally like in winter in Russia? What do you think about spending winter holidays at a ski resort? What is your favourite season, and why?

I’m reading a very interesting novel about Russia in the 19th century…

— ask 3 questions about the book.

Dear Molly,

Thank you for your letter. I was happy to hear from you again.

In your email, you ask me some questions about winter, and I would like to answer them now. To tell the truth, the weather in winter in Russia depends on many conditions and places. In the north or in Siberia it is usually cold as hell, while in the south it is warm and mild. Honestly speaking, I think spending winter holidays at a ski resort is fantastic and amazing. I did it several times and never regretted. You know, my favourite season is winter because I have my birthday in February.

I’m glad to hear about the new novel. I’d like to ask you a few questions about that. What is this novel about? What is its name? Who is the novel’s author?

Write back soon.

Best wishes,


∑ = 145

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