As I Was Going to Derby
As I was going to Derby
Upon a market-day,
I met the finest ram, sir,
That ever was fed on hay.
This ram was fat behind, sir;
This ram was fat before;
This ram was ten yards high, sir;
Indeed, he was no more.
The wool upon his back, sir,
Reached up unto the sky,
The eagles build their nests there,
For I heard the young ones cry.
The space between the horns, sir,
Was as far as man could reach,
And there they built a pulpit,
But no-one in it preached.
This ram had four legs to walk upon,
This ram had four legs to stand,
And every leg he had, sir,
Stood on an acre of land.
Now the man that fed the ram, sir,
He fed him twice a day,
And each time that he fed him, sir,
He ate a rick of hay.
The wool upon this ram’s tail
Was very fine and thin.
It took all the girls in Derby town
Seven years to spin.
And if you don’t believe me
And think it is a lie,
Then you go down to Derby town
And see as well as I.