Задание 17
Дайте другое название следующей шутке, выбрав одну из предлагаемых ниже пословиц.
This story happened some two hundred years ago. A physician took his apprentice with him to the bedside of his Irish patient. The patient’s face was red and his temperature was high. The physician slapped him on the back.
“Get up and eat some corned beef and cabbage,” he said.
The next day the Irishman was able to go to work.
The apprentice made a note in his book: “Red face, high temperature. Give corned beef and cabbage.”
Shortly afterwards, in the absence of the physician, the apprentice himself was called to the bedside of a German. The patient’s face was red and his temperature was high. The apprentice prescribed “corned beef and cabbage”. The next day they notified him that the patient was dead. He at once entered in his record book: “Corned beef and cabbage good for Irishmen. Kills Dutchmen.”
1. There are more ways than one to skin a cat.
2. Hell is paved with good intentions.
3. Death is the grand leveler.
4. One man’s meat is another man’s poison.
corned beef вяленая в соли говядина, солонина; cabbage капуста; physician врач; apprentice ученик; bedside здесь: постель больного; slap хлопать, шлёпать; be able быть в состоянии; make a note сделать пометку, запись; shortly afterwards вскоре после этого; prescribe прописать; notify известить; enter здесь: сделать запись; Dutchman голландец (в прежние времена так называли также немцев)
Здесь подойдет идиома one man’s meat is another man’s poison. — Что ирландцу хорошо, то немцу смерть. (Буквально: Что одному мясо, то другому яд.)
Остальные пословицы означают:
1. There are more ways than one to skin a cat. — Есть много способов добиться своего. (Букв.: содрать шкуру с кошки.)
2. Hell is paved with good intentions. — Ад вымощен благими намерениями.
3. Death is the grand leveler. — Все равны перед лицом смерти; Смерть всех уравнивает.